Baggage With a Kick of Blockchain



Edward Johnson and Jun Wei FU



“Your bag follows a complex journey from the moment you check-in for your flight to the point it arrives on the luggage belt at your destination. Find out how we keep track of the bags for the 1.38 billion passengers boarded on their flights with Amadeus systems. Discover the numerous systems involved and our first steps towards baggage tracking using the Blockchain technology.”

Speaker Bio

Edward is a Senior Software Development Manager and has been working in a variety of R&D teams in Amadeus during the last 8 years. He is currently leading a department which focuses on the Departure Control System, used by many of the world’s largest airlines to manage their customers and flights at the airport.

Jun is a Business Analyst who joined Amadeus in 2016. As a member of the Departure Control Baggage team, has worked on major product enhancements for airlines ranging from Southwest to Lufthansa. Currently, he works on getting a new product to market to enable airlines to utilise operational data streams in real-time.

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