female software engineer

Engineering is a wonderfully exciting, varied and rewarding career. Within the UK, there is a shortage of young people pursuing engineering careers, with one of the reasons being that many people still hold outdated views of what engineering is, and what engineers do.

This is Engineering, a multi-year campaign led by the Royal Academy of Engineering (in partnership with EngineeringUK), challenges those misconceptions. Working with engineering companies and professionals across England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, the campaign promotes a positive image of modern engineering, illustrating how engineering underpins many of the things that young people are already interested in – for example, sport, fashion and technology.

This is Engineering Day 2021 asks the question: 

"What will a net zero world look like in 2050 - a world that has been shaped by engineers to mitigate the effects of climate change and help us live a more sustainable life tomorrow?"

From securtiy to storing data on DNA, we interviewed our academics to find out how their research is contributing to a net-zero future.

How will you shape a better future?

How will you shape a better future?

How will you shape a better future? Designing greener cars, saving our oceans from single-use plastic, producing clean energy, reducing food waste…? Choose engineering to answer the questions.

For more information visit www.thisisengineering.org.uk


If you would like to know more about our outreach and public engagement,
email doc-outreach@imperial.ac.uk.