The Department's key objectives are
- to conduct internationally leading, impactful research that supports multidisciplinarity and collaboration
- to deliver high quality research-led, career-ready education
- to attract and support a diverse community of talented staff and students
The home of EEE is a dedicated 12-storey tower at the heart of the South Kensington campus, and our community numbers around 1,200 staff and students. Our reputation is built by our people and our culture, and we're focused on ensuring our department is a welcoming, inclusive, diverse and positive environment in which to work and study.
Our department has a long and proud history of world-class research and innovation, with our origins dating back to the 1870s.
Electrical and electronic engineering underpins most of the key technologies of the modern world, and we are at the forefront of tackling the most urgent global challenges in energy, healthcare, security, smart technology and communications.
We can take you to some surprising places — under da Vinci's paintbrush, inside human DNA, or the atmosphere of Mars.
Our research targets both the fundamental advances and the practical applications of science and technology, and our engineers research across the breadth of fields in electrical and electronic systems and information science.
We have a collaborative and inter-disciplinary approach to research across Imperial and beyond, including the Imperial Centre for Quantum Engineering, Science and Technology and the KIOS Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence. EEE also has a major role in the development of I-X, Imperial’s flagship interdisciplinary initiative in artificial intelligence, machine learning and data sciences, as well as in established multi-faculty institutes including the Hamlyn Centre and Energy Futures Lab.
Through our close ties with valued industrial partners, we are well-placed to ensure our research and education remain relevant and leading.
Our department has a strong culture of enterprise; we support the development of spin-out companies, and our researchers and alumni are recognised for their commercially successful innovations.
We are proud of the depth of analytical treatment, and the range of specialised subjects and pathways we offer within our taught programmes. Our undergraduate and Master's degrees are led by our research strengths, and focus on inspiring, challenging and supporting tomorrow’s industry-ready engineers. As a result our graduates are in high demand and can be found in an impressive range of companies and careers.

Discover world leading research and innovation in electronics, energy, computers, communications, signals, control systems, robotics and intelligent networks

Explore undergraduate, MSc and PhD study opportunities in the department

Our History
Discover 140 years of key events, notable people and pioneering research