The Computer Support Team is based in Room 607.  Any member of the team can help, or direct you to the most appropriate staff in the department or central ICT services.


Meet the team

  • Dr Thomas Clarke

    Thomas Clarke

    Personal details

    Dr Thomas Clarke Team Leader

    Team leader

    Thomas manages the team and is responsible for overall strategic develpment.

  • Richard Stephenson

    This folder is for 300x400 only

    Personal details

    Richard Stephenson

    +44 (0)20 7594 6179

    Computer Support Officer

    Richard is responsible for hardware infrastructure, and provides computing support for research activities. He also manages the back-end of the Department's staff intranet on Sharepoint.

  • Saritha Udayan

    Saritha Udayan

    Personal details

    Saritha Udayan

    Software Developer

    Saritha is responsible for the specification, design, and implementation of custom intranet automation to support teaching and administration in EEE. In addition she provides support for our student systems such as attendance, mitigating circumstances, extensions, and project submissions, etc.

  • Harmony Wong

    Harmony Wong

    Personal details

    Harmony Wong

    Databases and Systems Officer

    Harmony manages the department's database and IT systems throughout the student life cycle., including strategic planning. He provides dynamic and flexible support for developing and enhancing these systems to meet evolving requirements, and ensures their compatibility with Imperial's student system.

Additional IT and technology contacts in the department

  • Dr Zohaib Akhtar

    Zohaib Akhtar

    Personal details

    Dr Zohaib Akhtar

    +44 (0)20 7594 6310

    Senior Teaching Fellow and Digital Learning Lead

    Zohaib is our department's education technology lead.

  • Amine Halimi

    Amine Halimi

    Personal details

    Amine Halimi

    +44 (0)20 7594 6243

    Workshop Laboratory Technician

    Amine is a member of our Technical Services team, who also assists the department with software development.

  • Paul Norman

    Paul Norman

    Personal details

    Paul Norman

    Laboratory Manager and AV contact

    Paul is also a point of contact in the department for the AV technology in our department's teaching rooms, which is supported by Imperial's central ICT services.
