Since joining our team, E has been fantastic. He is very focused and enthusiastic, understands the requirement and the goal, asks right questions and works very hard and efficiently. I also believe he likes what he is doing here, so I am very pleased for him too. "
Imagination Technologies
The sixth month industrial placement takes place from March - September in the student's penultimate year (third year of a four year degree).
During this time, the student is employed to work on an industrial project which is directly relevant to their degree of study.
It gives the student the opportunity to build on a rigorous academic and technical education by providing hands-on experience and insight into the industrial and commercial challenges of business today.
For the employer, the Industrial Placement Scheme offers:
- an effective vehicle for recruiting our top graduates
- a cost-effective way of getting a project done at the highest technical standards
- the opportunity to encourage and invest in engineers of the future
The role of the Company: A summary of the process for participating companies is outlined in the Guide for Participating Companies section below. You can also read more details about employment conditions, confidentiality and the role of the industrial supervisor.
The role of Imperial College: We will guide you through the process, including advertising your placements to students and arranging interviews at Imperial if necessary. We will keep in close contact with the students and designated industrial supervisors/mentors during the placement, including a site visit in June/July to assess the student’s progress.
"Employer Bytes"
S is a very quick learner and always ready to take on new challenges. She has been proactive in picking up new skills and contribute towards the team deliverables. She has shown exceptional skills in Python programming where she is currently developing a data profiling application. Overall really impressive. "
Regarding M, I met with his supervisor yesterday. He is doing very well indeed. He is both smart and ambitious - I suspect we will all end up working for him!"
Oliver Whyman
We already had high expectations of A and I’m happy to say he has exceeded them. He worked quickly through a structured training program and is now embedded in a live project and making a real contribution. This afternoon he is holding an architecture review to present his ideas to the design team, and later in the week he is due to be in the lab making device measurements. "
A guide for participating companies
- Confidentiality
- Employment terms and conditions
- Health and safety
- Role of the industrial supervisor / mentor
- Calendar of activities
- What our students say
Contact us
To find out more, please contact:
Kate Farrar -
Education Support Officer
Interested in taking part?
Download a placement description and proposal form for employers or contact us to find out more about the scheme. Read Imperial College's Placement Learning Policy.