Eryl Cadwallader Davies prize  

Outstanding PhD Thesis

This prize runs from March - February and is awarded to the PhD student(s) who produce outstanding doctoral thesis during the academic year. Supervisors are able to nominate their graduated students, who will then be put forward to the Awards Panel for consideration.

Stylianos Kalaitzis PhD Award

Most promising doctoral work

Awarded to an EEE PhD student based on merit after a formal assessment of their progress at the Late Stage Review (LSR) milestone. The prize year runs from March - February.

The award is given to the most promising PhD work as judged at the time of LSR. The research achievements so far; the expected original contributions, the future plan quality,  and the level of research engagement (publications and external presentations) are the criteria taken into account for the award.

To be considered eligible, students must have completed their LSR assessment on time by the due date.

Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year 

 This award runs each academic year and the nominee must be a research student who has acted as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). Qualities such as quality of teaching, approachability, engagement and motivation and impact on student learning will be considered.

The nominee will be named as the Department GTA of the Year and will be shortlisted for the Faculty of Engineering GTA of the Year Award.

Previous winners