Awards and Scholarships: 2023-2024

Award About the award Winner
Electrical & Electronic Engineering Student Centenary Prize

For an outstanding undergraduate project Julio Castillejo Motta
Eric Laithwaite Prize To an undergraduate student in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering for outstanding innovation in the final year individual project Derin Ak
Governors BEng Prize in Electrical & Electronic Engineering To an outstanding student in the final year of BEng EEE Hubert Choo
Governors BEng Prize in Electronic and Information Engineering To an outstanding student in the final year of BEng EIE Anish Narain 
Governors MEng Prize in Electrical & Electronic Engineering To an outstanding student in the final year of MEng (EEE) Sebastian Gaume
Governors MEng Prize in Electronic and Information Engineering To an outstanding student in the final year of MEng (EIE) Derek Lai
Greatorex Prize To a student of Electrical Engineering for the best overall performance in the general subject area of 'Electrical Machines' Prateek Wagle
IET Prize To a student for all round excellence Michal Palic
Lee Memorial Prize To a final year student for excellence in academic and extra-curricular activities. Aishwarya Anand
Class of 1974 Prize To a BEng Student who has achieved excellence in both technical and non-technical subjects and has shown exceptional achievements in extra-curricular activities.  Shermaine Ang
Henry Ford II Scholar Award in Electrical Engineering To the student with the best academic record based on the final first degree examinations continuing in the Department to pursue a PhD Giorgos Iacovides
Nicholas Battersby Prize To a final year undergraduate student for excellence in analogue electronics Vladimir Marinov
Siemens Memorial Medal Prize To the student at the top of the final class list  Weizheng Wang
Sir Bruce White Prize  To the best final year project Rohan Gandhi
Willis Jackson Medal and Prize For excellence in final year studies George Zhang
Ivor Tupper Prize For excellence in signal processing, broadcast and video technology Václav Pavlíček
Usmani Prize in Micro-electronics For the student with outstanding performance in examinations in the area of micro-electronics Jubo Xu
Terry Whodcoat Memorial Prize For outstanding performance on the MEng with a year abroad Krish Agrawal
Dennis Gabor Prize Annual award for outstanding contributions to student life in the Department and professionalism in all their activities.  Shaheer Chaudhry and Pranav Madhusudhana
Silvanus P Thompson Prize To the top student in the second year EEE Justin Fok
Head of Department's Prize To the top student in the first year  Derek Ng
Head of Department's Prize To the top student in the second year EIE Constantin Kronbichler
Head of Department's Prize  To the top student in the third year EEE Jacob Larcombe
Head of Department's Prize  To the top student in the third year EEE Management Stream Marta Lopez Gallo
Head of Department's Prize  To the top student in the third year EIE Aranya Gupta
Head of Department's Prize Top Student in MEng EEE with Management Kelvin Mang 
Third year Group Project Prize Prize for the best third year group project Haokai Qin, Clemen Kok, Aranya Gupta, Clifford Chan, Rory Brooks, Jian Rong Lee, working with Oshensail 
Second Year Group Project Prize Prize for the best second year group project

Winners: Ryan Voecks, Gabriel Tetrault, Zian Lin, Petr Olsan, Constantin Kronbichler, Orlan Forshaw

Runners Up: Rishabh Varia, Hector Oga, Quentin Duff, Alexander Charlton, Dylan Toussaint, Rahul Ganeshsankar

First Year Project Prize Prize for the best first year group project

Winners: Ander Cobo, Enid Maci, Jack Hollway, Alexander Lewis, Maciej Grzegorczyk, Ahmad Jalloh

Runners up: Fred Sweet, Sadig Sadikhzada, Sam Davies, Louis Yong, Annabel Huang, Alix Le Goguic


Prizes for Continuing Students