The TEM is routinely used for characterising the microstructure at interfaces in ceramics, Metals and  Biological samples. Morphology and distribution of nano-size particles, lattice imaging and chemical analysis can be studied.

The TEM is computer-controlled allowing users to record operation conditions, recall stored sample grid positions and perform low-dose imaging. This is useful for examining biological samples that are sensitive to the high-energy electron beam. To record high-resolution images using less energetic beams, the instrument is fitted with a Gatan Orius SC 1000 camera (2×4k) GIF Ultras-can camera (2k×2k), high-angle annular dark field detector, a Gatan annular dark field detector/bright field detector, as well as a Gatan Quantum image filter (GIF) system.

Further chemical analysis can be carried out on the Oxford Instruments INCA/Aztech EDS 80 mm X-Max detector system, which is capable of light-element (Z>5) and can be combined with STEM for nanometre spatial resolution.

Au nanoparticles and Convergent beam diffraction pattern.

Au nanoparticles and Convergent beam diffraction pattern 1

Au nanoparticles and Convergent beam diffraction pattern 1

Au nanoparticles and Convergent beam diffraction pattern 2

Au nanoparticles and Convergent beam diffraction pattern 2

STEM Image

STEM Image

Images JEOL JEM 2100F - bottom

Oxygen EDX Map

Oxygen EDX Map

Aluminium EDX Map

Aluminium EDX Map

Silicon EDX Map

Silicon EDX Map

JEOL JEM-2100F TEM help and support

  • Dr Mahmoud Ardakani

    Personal details

    Dr Mahmoud Ardakani Research Officer, Harvey Flowers Electron Microscopy Suite

    +44 (0)20 7594 6739


    Department of Materials
    Royal School of Mines
    Lower Ground Floor, LG05