The Zeiss Gemini Sigma300 FEG SEM system is a new addition to the electron microscopy suite in Department of Materials. It has been specifically purchased for the examination of nanoparticles in in secondary electron (SE) and backscattered (BS) imaging conditions.

The High Definition Backscatter Detector (HD BSD) in this FEG SEM allows the researcher to examine samples contain-ing nanoparticles of different phases, dislocation distributions, and very fine grain-size structure.

  • Accelerating Voltage: 0.02 – 30 kV
  • Resolution @ 15 kV: 1.2 nm
  • Resolution @ 1 kV 2.2 nm

Zeiss Gemini Sigma300 help and support

  • Dr Mahmoud Ardakani

    Personal details

    Dr Mahmoud Ardakani Research Officer, Harvey Flowers Electron Microscopy Suite

    +44 (0)20 7594 6739


    Department of Materials
    Royal School of Mines
    Lower Ground Floor, LG05