Zygo NewView 200 3D optical interferometer
Zygo NewView 200 3D optical interferometer
This instrument is a white light 3D optical interferometer, and a non-destructive, ambient method for determining surface structure. It has nano-scale height resolution (~1 nm) and lateral resolutions be-tween 0.3 μm and 20 μm. Large areas can be mapped using the automated facility to produce a montage of single images.

The Zygo utilises a beam splitter and reference surface to achieve the measurement of sample sur-face topography. The phase difference between the two is analysed by adjusting the height of the reference surface and analysing the effect on each pixel in the collected image. This is performed by the accompanying software, MetroPro and results in a 3D data-set where z-axis values are deter-mined interferometrically and lateral distances are calculated through objective lens calibration.

Zygo NewView 200 3D optical interferometer help and support

  • Dr Richard Chater

    Personal details

    Dr Richard Chater Senior Research Officer, Surface Analysis

    +44 (0)20 7594 6740

    Support with

    FEI FIB-SIMS and Zygo NewView 200


    Department of Materials
    Royal School of Mines
    Lower Ground Floor, LG62A