Health and Safety basic

Danger sign

For emergencies

Dial internal extension 4444 - for all emergencies 

If you cannot get to an internal phone, dial 020 7589 1000 - add this number to your mobile.

Report incidents signs

Incidents reporting

In the event of an accident or near miss please report the incident via SALUS

lab coats

Materials Health and Safety Intranet

For all Materials' Health and Safety lab information please visit the safety webpage on our Sharepoint.

Departmental Safety Officer: Dr Peter Petrov (ext: 48156 or 50321)

Safety personnel in the Department of Materials

Safety personnel in Materials
Professor Sandrine Heutz
Chair, Head of Department
46727   RSM 2.01c
Dr. Peter Petrov 
Deputy Chair, Departmental Safety Officer 
48156 or 50321 
 RSM 2.03d
Ms Amel Mazari
Meeting Secretary, Display Screen Equipment Advisor
47493 RSM 2.01
Dr Ecaterina Ware
First Aid Coordinator 
Lower Ground Floor, LG05
Mr Russell Stracey
Manual Handling Assessor and Trade Union Representative
- RSM Workshop
Professor Theoni Georgiou
Chemical Safety Advisor 
42587 2M.12
Biological Safety Advisor
42587 2M.12 
Mr Benjamin Chan
Undergraduate Labs technician 
56783 RSM G.04
Dr Manjula Silva
Undergraduate Labs Representative 
48051  RSM G.04
Dr Ryan Bower
Research Staff Representative 
 n/a  RSM
Mr Yin Chan 
Postgraduate (PhD) Representative 
 n/a  RSM
Mr Fraser McLeod
Undergraduate Representative 
 n/a  n/a
Ms Alice Hunt
Faculty Safety Manager 
 40821  2nd floor, Faculty Building
Mr Eddie Hartrick
College Process Safety Officer
 50614  4th floor, Sherfield Building
Mr Guy Fairhurst
Building Manager
 49639 Room 260, 2nd floor, City and Guilds Building 
Mr George Wrigley
Head of Security 
49550  Central Faculty, Sherfield Building 
Mr Jonathan Ryan
Fire Safety Advisor
- -
Dr. Simon Davis 
Departmental Safety Officer (Earth Science and Engineering)
 46544 ESE, RSM 
Mr Kenneth Keating
Departmental Safety Officer (Bioengineering)
 50478 B211, 2nd floor, Bessemer Building
Safety personnel in the Department of Materials
Fire Wardens in Materials
Area  Fire Wardens Extension Location on South Kensington Campus
RSM Lower Ground Floor Mr Russell Stracey
Mr Garry Stakalls

RSM Ground Floor Professor Martyn McLachlan
Mr Ben Chan
RSM G.03c
RSM G.04
RSM 1st Floor TBC n/a  
RSM 2nd Floor Dr Iain Dunlop 46731 RSM 1.02
LCN/TYC corridor (Bessemer) Dr Peter Petrov n/a
Bessemer B324
Bessemer B333