Degree programme: BEng Materials Science & Engineering
Year of Graduation: 2022
Job Title and Company: Strategy & M&A Analyst (Monitor Deloitte)

Why did you choose to study at Imperial? 

The Materials curriculum was a fusion of my favourite school subjects: seamlessly weaving together the sciences, maths, and economics fundamentals alongside practical opportunities for creative engineering and computing problem-solving. Reading alumni stories of world-changers in areas like sustainable materials and ground-breaking researchers in healthcare also inspired me to be part of this exceptional community of peers and mentors. Not to mention, studying in the heart of lively London added that extra flair to my university adventure.

What are your top three memories from your time here?

I’m left with a trove of unforgettable moments but here are the top 3. Firstly, from mesmerising performances at MNight (Malaysian Society) and East Meets West (Indian Society), to hosting a department-wide dumpling-making afternoon for Lunar New Year, I enjoyed and learnt so much from the vibrant celebrations of diversity of cultures in our community.

Then came the unexpected twist of the pandemic that pushed the department to adapt and innovate. Soon, at-home slime-making experiments would become a hallmark of our alternative learning journey; a testament to our ability to turn challenges into opportunities.

Finally, there was the annual Materials Society industry tour – an eye-opening look into the JLR factory in Liverpool. A short trip with students from all year groups, it was a fantastic bonding and learning experience that just textbooks could never match.

Can you tell us about your current occupation?

Currently, I am a Strategy & M&A analyst at a consulting company within which I sit in the Innovation & Ventures team. Our mission is to guide major corporations across diverse sectors – whether it’s life sciences or retail – to transform, evolve, and embrace the future. This entails understanding how cutting-edge trends like generative AI might affect the business, scenario planning for different business strategies, testing and piloting new revenue streams, and more.

While seemingly disparate from a Materials degree, I’ve found that the foundational skills I’ve built throughout university, including meticulous research, storytelling through data, and problem-solving through design, ideation, and testing in engineering, are ones I can always depend upon to supercharge my work.

What are your ambitions for the future? 

I’m always looking for the next great opportunity. In the near future, I am keen to soak up as much knowledge as possible in my current role, about how different industries function, how large corporations work, and from the brilliant minds of everyone around me.

Looking forward, I am fuelled by a dual ambition. One path leads to entrepreneurship, where I envision launching my own impactful venture, while the other involves joining an impact-driven investment firm dedicated to supporting climate solutions and empowering women innovators.

What piece of wisdom can you share with our current students?

Embrace the unique privileges of being a student! This is a time when you can ask the toughest questions, and people are more than willing to share their wisdom unfiltered; when you can take risks, make mistakes, and fail with a safety net; and a good time to figure out what matters to you most, or decide what you’d like to avoid.So put yourself out there, and who knows where life will take you next! 

Also make sure to take care of your wellbeing, your physical and mental health should always come first!