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Daniel Balint
- Hydrogen in metals for nuclear and storage applications (e.g. delayed hydride cracking, hydrogen enhanced plasticity)
- Dislocation plasticity in ionic crystals (as battery materials)
- Mechanical recyling of plastics
- Multilayer paint film evolution and failure under hygrothermal cycling
- Irradiation hardening, strain softening and fracture in in zirconium alloys for PWR fuel pin cladding
- Semi-analytical crack network modelling, integrity of auxetics, failure of thermal barrier and wear coatings
- Elastodynamic discrete dislocation plasticity
- Fatigue in titanium alloys, lifetime prediction of thermal barrier coatings
- Discrete dislocation plasticity, size effects and defect-solute interactions
- Metal forming methods and associated materials modelling
- Environmental barrier coatings

Bamber Blackman
- Recycling of plastics, cost advantages for joining techniques, repair using adhesively bonded solutions
- Fracture mechanics and structural integrity of bonded joints, lightweight structures, laminates etc.
- Impact and high strain rate fracture properties of lightweight materials
- Use of fracture mechanics to guide performance increases
- Fatigue and durability of lightweight materials and structures

Maria Charalambides
- Mechanical recycling of plastic packaging
- Environmental fatigue in mulitlayered works of art
- Mechanical behaviour and modelling of adhesion, foams, particulate composites
- Material modelling and mechanical characterisation of soft polymeric solids and comsposites including rheology and high rate properties
- Micromechanics models of particulate composites, peeling of coatings, cohesive zone models for interfaces
- Rain erosion of wind turbine blade coatings
- Experimental and numerical modelling of industrial food manufacturing processes as well as oral and gastric processes
- Sustainable food manufacturing

John Dear
- Life-time assessment/damage modelling
- Impact/damage modelling
- High-rate properties/damage development
- Damage development

Paul Hooper
- Advanced manufacturing, alloy development, welding, residual stress
- Sandwich structures, foams and lattices, laminated glass, auxetics
- Blast, impact, high strain-rate characterisation, Hopkinson Bar, Taylor Test
- Process-microstructure-performance, in-situ monitoring/inspection, simulation, process control, new process development, material development
- Digital twins, residual stress and defect prediction

PhD study
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