Different types of transport methods

Lectureship in Thermal Management / Electrical Machines

We are seeking a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer to join the Vehicle Futures Hub.

Find out more and apply: Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering.

The Vehicle Future Hub (VFH) is a new centre developed to bring together the vast expertise in vehicle technologies within the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, and beyond. We endeavour to take a systems engineering approach to the global challenge of tackling sustainability, efficiency and affordability in engineering for transport.

We are committed to the Imperial Sustainability and Net-zero Strategy (https://www.imperial.ac.uk/sustainability/) which includes educating future scientists and equipping them to empower a more sustainable world as they begin to lead in their fields, and transforming perceptions on fuel consumption and manufacturing. By taking a systems approach to these goals, the VFH will pave the way for exciting new collaborations and opportunities to shape the future of transport. 

The VFH engages with the global communities which are solving the world most complex problems in transport and environmental change. We are building networks with long-term industrial, government and research collaborators to drive forward change. Find out more at the Imperial Global website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/about/global/

Below are some examples of how we already empower future generations of scientists to engage in sustainable transport and reducing climate emissions. 

Academic from Vibration UTC teaching students about turbines

Academic from Vibration UTC teaching students about turbines

3rd year Undergraduate testing water transport project design

3rd year Undergraduate testing water transport project design

Student testing types particles

Student testing tyres particles

Meet our Executive Board

Internal Collaborations

Within the Department of Mechanical Engineering we already host many experts in fields relating to transport and Vehicle technology. Our goal is to bring these systems together to drive forward positive change in land, sea and air travel mechanisms.

Our goal is to invest and expand in multiple new areas of research which will compliment existing strengths in the Faculty.

Cross-Faculty research centres

The Hamlyn Centre for Surgical Robotics