The 'machine' he or she designs might be a space station, a micro-scale surgical robot or an entire system of energy production and distribution.
Wherever the solution to a real-life problem with conflicting requirements must be found, a mechanical engineer will be needed. Many find work in consultancy, tackling an ever-changing variety of tasks. The technical and management skills of the discipline are equally valued in the commercial world, where they work together to sharpen the competitive edge.
All our degree courses are accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers as the basis for Chartered Engineer status. The value of the degree can be further enhanced through an industrial placement: the increasing number offered to our students range from healthcare to defence and from nuclear power to aerospace.
Industrial links
The department benefits from an exceptionally high level of industrial collaboration and support. Through your third-year Design, Make and Test and your final-year Individual projects, this can provide excellent opportunities to develop contacts within the industry which interests you.
Useful contacts
- Undergraduate Admissions Tutor:
Freya Deeks - Undergraduate Admissions Administrator:
Ana Cavaquinho - First Year Organiser:
Idris Mohammed - Second Year Organiser:
Thomas Reddyhoff - Third Year Organiser:
Richard Silversides - Fourth Year Organiser:
Richard van Arkel