14 Prince's Gardens building, ground floor accessible toilet G06
14 Prince's Gardens building, ground floor, gender neutral toilet G05
15 Prince's Gardens building, ground floor accessible toilet G07
15 Prince's Gardens building, ground floor, gender neutral toilet G05
53 Prince's Gate building, ground floor accessible toilet 005
53 Prince's Gate building, ground floor, gender neutral toilet 011
58 Princes Gate building, ground floor ladies toilet
Abdus Salam Library - Café building, ground floor accessible toilet
Abdus Salam Library building, first floor accessible toilet 111
Abdus Salam Library building, first floor ladies toilet 113ACE building, second floor accessible toilet
ACE building, second floor ladies toilet 212
ACE EXT building, first floor accessible toilet 106
ACE EXT building, first floor, gender neutral toilet 105
Beit Union building, ground floor ladies toilet NG20
Biochemistry building, second floor ladies toilet 223
Blackett building, first floor accessible toilet 104A
Blackett building, second floor, gender neutral toilet 203
Business School building, ground floor accessible toilet G06
Business School building, ground floor ladies toilet G07
Chemistry building, first floor accessible toilet C162A
Chemistry building, first floor, gender neutral toilet C162D
City and Guilds building, second floor accessible toilet 252
City and Guilds building, second floor ladies toilet 251
Dyson building, ground floor accessible toilet
Dyson building, ground floor ladies toilet X 2
Electrical Engineering building, second floor accessible toilet 203
Electrical Engineering building, second floor ladies toilet 211B
Ethos building, ground floor accessible toilet
Faculty building, first floor accessible toilet 1.24
Faculty building, first floor ladies toilet 1.21
Flowers building, ground floor accessible toilet G52
Flowers building, ground floor, gender neutral toilet G53
Huxley building, second floor accessible toilet 236C
Huxley building, second floor ladies toilet 224
RCS1 building, basement floor accessible toilet 024
RCS1 building, basement floor ladies toilet 029
RSM building, ground floor accessible toilet G48
RSM building, ground floor ladies toilet G47
SAF building, ground floor accessible toilet G116
SAF building, ground floor ladies toilet G118
SAF building, ground floor, gender neutral toilet G117
Sherfield building, first floor accessible toilet 166B
Sherfield building, first floor ladies toilet 166C
Skempton building, first floor accessible toilet 162
Skempton building, second floor ladies toilet 206
Weeks Hall building, basement floor ladies toilet B02