Clever use of space

The Space and Building Information Team manages changes to operational space, providing space planning services and data reporting for use across Imperial

The Space and Building Information Team provide the following services:

  • Receive requests for additional space/changes to ownership/release of space to the university centre, consider options and make recommendations to Space Executive
  • Liaise with Departments, Faculties, Projects and Building Managers to match new space requirements with space available/provided according to best fit/location/adjacencies
  • Update and maintain Pythagoras (space database) drawings and data with changes to space ownership, type and status. Audit space where required to check accuracy of space database information. Provide access and training to Imperial users of space database (Pythagoras)
  • Issue and monitor standards for conformity of drawings and data from external suppliers effecting changes to infrastructure
  • Provide data from Pythagoras for Financial modelling, HEFCE returns (Estates Management Record and TRAC)
  • Provide calculations of space required as part of academic bids for funding, and to check allowances in project briefs. Provide advice on best use of space in the form of building layouts for new projects or to cope with expansion of existing space
  • Generate statistics on space use, space norms, patterns of use, periodic changes and size of Imperial's estate. Carry out and manage space studies/surveys to measure utilisation and occupancy rates of rooms in use at Imperial 
  • Disseminate latest HEFCE best practice guidance for space use. Develop and publish internal guidance notes on space use (Space planning guidelines, norms, space charging 'explained', property governance, etc.)
  • Maintain an archive of drawings and manuals of the buildings and infrastructure across Imperial's Estate. Refer to Estates Records.

The team

How to request space, release space or modify data about space use.

The Space Change form is used to request space, modify information about space use or release space, and must be signed by the relevant signatories as shown on the form. Space forms used to release space must be accompanied by a Clearance Certificate. Space forms used to request space or modify space data must include a risk identification template.

Space forms for all campuses should be sent to the Space Manager.