Hand on training workshop (7 Dec 2015) & Hot Topic Meeting (8 Dec 2015)
- The Biochemical Society at Charles Darwin House, London
- Organised by Christine Orengo (UCL) and Mike Sternberg (Imperial)
Protein modelling has become increasingly important with the explosion in the number of determined genomes and the challenges of interpreting clinical studies of human variation such as being obtained from the Genomics England initiative.
The hot topic meeting will review the status of a wide range of modelling tools highlighting the underpinning principles, how to get the most out of the features available and the directions for development. We will describe resources for analysis of multiple sequence alignments (JALVIEW), classification and annotation of protein families (CATH, SCOP and SUPERFAMILY), protein structure prediction (FUGUE, SWISSMODEL, PHYRE2 and the PSIPRED workbench) and an integrated resource of protein annotation (GENOME3D). Additionally, several of the speakers have developed enhanced methods to predict whether a missense mutation is expected to be disease associated and these tools will be reported (FATHMM, Duet and SUSPECT). These resources will then be placed in the wider context of the applications and developments of protein modelling.
Speakers include: Geoff Barton, Franca Fraternali, Julian Gough, Tim Hubbard, David Jones, Lawrence Kelley, Tony Andreeva, Bernardo Ochoa, Ian Sillitoe, Torsten Schwede and Janet Thornton.
On the first day we will run a smaller introductory hands-on tutorial and workshop (7 December 2015) for biologists and clinicians less familiar with the field which will focus on sequence alignment (Geoff Barton, Dundee), structural families (Christine Orengo, UCL) and protein structure and variant prediction (Mike Sternberg and Lawrence Kelley, Imperial).
You can register for either or both days.
There is a call for posters and short presentation at the meeting on 8 December
For details and registration see: