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More information, including registration details, can be found on the Hamlyn Centre website.


The 7th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics will be held on Sunday 13 July and Monday 14 July 2014 at the Royal Geographic Society. Workshops will be organised at the Imperial College London on Saturday 12 and Tuesday 15 July 2014. The Symposium attracts annually world leading scientists, engineers and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines associated with medical robotics and surgery.

Topics to be addressed by the symposium include, but are not limited to:

  • Clinical highlights in Urology, Cardiac Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, General Surgery, Gynaecology, ENT, Orthopaedic, and Paediatric Surgery
  • Emerging, multi-specialty applications of robotic technology
  • Medical robotics for NOTES
  • Mechatronic designs for medical robotics
  • Microbot design and applications
  • Surgical simulation, training and skills assessment
  • Human robot interaction and ergonomics
  • Surgical navigation and augmented reality systems
  • Intra-operative imaging and biophotonics for robotic surgery
  • Medical image computing and computer assisted intervention
  • Economic and general consideration of robotic surgery


  •  A series of invited talks by distinguished speakers
  •  Panel debate on breakthrough medical  robotics and instrumentation
  •  Oral and poster presentations on a wide range of clinical and technical topics
  •  An international audience from leading research organisations and universities in medical robotics
  •  Annual international forum for clinicians, engineers and researchers.

Keynote speaker

Toshio Fukuda is Emeritus Professor at the Institute for Advanced Research of Nagoya University. He is also a Professor at Meijo University and Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology. Toshio Fukuda received his B.A degree from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1971, and the M.S and Dr. Eng. from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1973 and 1977 respectively. In 1977, he joined the National Mechanical Engineering Laboratory.

In 1982, he joined the Science University of Tokyo, Japan, and then joined Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, in 1989. He was the Director of Centre for Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Professor of Department of Micro-Nano Systems Engineering at Nagoya University, where he was mainly involved in the research fields of intelligent robotic and mechatronic system, cellular robotic system, and micro- and nano-robotic system. He was the Russell Springer Chaired Professor at UC Berkeley, Distinguished Professor, Seoul National University, and many other universities.

Hopkins-Storz Lecture

Lee Swanstrom is a clinical Professor of Surgery at Oregon Health Sciences University and is currently the chairman of the department of general and vascular surgery for Emmanuel and Good Samaritan Hospital and Medical Centers. He is also the Director of the departments of minimally invasive surgery for the Legacy Health System in Portland, Oregon. Professor Swanstrom is an internationally recognized innovator in the field of minimally invasive surgery.

His surgical practice includes a broad range of laparoscopic procedures, many of which he developed or introduced. He lectures and teaches worldwide and serves as the primary educator and proctor for the surgeons of the northwestern United States. Professor Swanstrom is known for his contribution in the field of advanced laparoscopic surgery of the esophagus and stomach. He was one of the first surgeons in the United States to perform laparoscopic anti-reflux surgery and has performed over 1,000 of these cases over the last nine years. He has authored and co-authored many books, book chapters, and clinical papers on the topic of minimally invasive surgery.

For more information about other speakers at this event, check out the Hamlyn Centre website.