Overcoming the Challenges in Antibody Manufacture using Mechanistic Modelling and Machine Learning
Therapeutic proteins represent the fastest growing sector of the pharmaceutical industry, yet their manufacture lags significantly behind that of small molecule drugs. Although some form of modelling is frequently used in process development, either in the form of computational fluid dynamics for scale-up studies or in the form of statistical modelling for process optimisation, modelling is usually an afterthought. The Quality by Design initiative by regulatory authorities in combination with the increased interdisciplinarity of biology and engineering degrees have created an opportunity to bring modelling to the forefront and use it to rationalise the design of new manufacturing processes. In this talk, I will present my group’s efforts to address three main challenges in the manufacture of therapeutic antibodies: structural product heterogeneity, biological variability and limited system understanding. These involve a combination of kinetic and stoichiometric mechanistic models, as well as artificial neural networks as a standalone tool or part of a hybrid model. The strengths of each methodology will be showcased in the context of the above challenges.
Dr Cleo Kontoravdi (CPSE, Imperial College London) works in the area of biotechnology with particular focus on the application of systems engineering principles to bioprocessing. Her group’s research involves the systematic integration of model-based tools, such as sensitivity analysis, design of experiments and optimisation, with experimentation on mammalian cell culture systems with a focus on metabolism and protein quality.
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Topic: CPSE Summer Webinar Series – Dr Cleo Kontoravdi
Time: Jul 22, 2020 13:00 London
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About CPSE
The Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) is a multi- institutional research centre. It was inaugurated in August 1989 by Professor Roger W.H. Sargent and involves Imperial College London and University College London. Innovative and dynamic in its approach to research and development, CPSE’s accomplishments include the Queens Prize for Higher Education, presented in 2003 for research excellence and technology transfer. Three spin-out companies have been established. One of these, Process Systems Enterprise Limited (PSE), received the Royal Academy of Engineering’s MacRobert Award in 2007; this is the UK’s highest award for innovation in engineering. The Centre continues to broaden the scope of its activities over all size scales enabling all areas of process systems to be addressed. This enables CPSE to be responsive to the evolving needs of industry and society.