The final Soft Electronic Materials Seminars of 2020 will be this Thursday at 3pm.  Please join us on teams this week for:

Adventures with oligo- and polyfluorenes – photonics, redox-active assemblies and the beta-phase

Professor Peter Skabara

15.00-16.00 10 December

Microsoft Teams: search “CPE Seminars”

Pete Skabara graduated from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, in 1991 with a First Class Honours degree in Chemistry. He completed his PhD studies in 1994 under the supervision of Professor Martin Bryce at the University of Durham before taking up a Max-Planck Fellowship with Professor Klaus Müllen at the MPI for Polymer Research in Mainz (1994-95). His academic career began at Sheffield Hallam University in 1995, and he moved to the University of Manchester (Senior Lectureship 2000-05), before joining the University of Strathclyde where he was the James Young Chair of Chemistry and Head of Department (2010-13). In 2018 he moved from Strathclyde to his present position as the Ramsay Chair of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow.

Find out more about Peter’s work at and find the group on twitter @SkabaraGroup

The CPE Soft Electronic Materials is a seminar series funded by the CPE for PhDs, PostDocs and Fellows to present their research to open up discussion and collaboration. We aim to have speakers from all groups and areas of research within the CPE.

In the new year we will be combing our seminar series with the other CPE seminar series.

If you or anyone in your group would be interested in speaking or if you have a suggestion for invited external speakers please let us know!


Kind Regards,

Joel, Katie and Phil