About this event
Thanks to the support of the EDI Seed Fund at Imperial College London, Imperial 600 – the university’s LGBTQ+ staff and postgraduate network, and the Careers and Student Life team at Imperial College Business School are hosting Accenture‘s Global Inclusion and Diversity Senior Manager, for a talk on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and professional advancement.
The event is part of a broader series of events being organised around global Pride Month, and aims to provide access to inspirational role models in the EDI space, and particularly leaders who can provide helpful guidance to LGBTQ+ staff and postgraduate students from a professional development perspective.
Imperial 600 is part of the broader EDI infrastructure at Imperial College London, and you can learn more about the university’s commitment to creating an inclusive institution by ready up on Imperial’s EDI Strategy here.
To learn more about Pride at Accenture please also see here.
What Will Be Discussed at the Event?
An interview style event that will include Joel McConnell (Co-Chair Imperial 600 and Executive Director at the Business School)and Lisa Umenyiora (Executive Director of Careers and Student Life) asking Javier Leonor questions about Accenture and their approach to embracing EDI as a strategic asset to talent acquisition and retention.
Most specifically, we’ll be talking about:
- LGBTQ+ Inclusion at Accenture: What has and has not worked over the past 18 years.
- Is the Tech Sector Really That Inclusive?
- How do Multinationals Adapt? A commitment to EDI and adapting to local laws and customs.
- Career advancement, belonging, and individuality: when and how to come out at work?
- Measuring Inclusivity: The Pride Scorecard approach to Accenture’s commitment to inclusion across country markets.
There will be lots of useful takeaways for both staff and postgraduate students at Imperial College, and external guests as well, so sign-up for this event today to guarantee your spot.
Why is Imperial Hosting this Event?
Role modelling and leadership matter, and Javier is an inspirational speaker in his own right as well as holding a senior leadership position for EDI at Accenture, a top global consulting companies that is particularly active in the technology sector.
We want to increase staff and postgraduate students’ awareness of how global organisations are embracing EDI and helping create an inclusive workplace.
Finally, this is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the corporate culture at Accture, a top choice employer for Imperial graduates.
More About the Speaker | Javier Leonor
Born in Segovia Spain, Javier have lived and worked in many countries where he has had the chance to learn the local culture and the language. He finally found his second home in the city of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Javier holds degrees in Telecommunications from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), the Hochschule Mannheim (Germany) and an MBA from the University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
Javier has been working 20 years as an IT consultant, and since 2018 has taken a role in the Global Center of Expertise for Inclusion and Diversity at Accenture, where he leads the LGBT+ programs, also know as Pride at Accenture.
Javier is a member of the Global Leadership Council of Workplace Pride and represents Accenture at the Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality. Within Accenture, Javier is a member of the Global Inclusion & Diversity Center of Expertise.