The 14th STUOD Sandbox meeting to be held remotely on Friday, 25th February. The Sandboxes are special events, set in specially equipped audio-visual rooms, among Ifremer, Imperial, and Inria with all available tools to manipulate and test ideas.
The 14th meeting of the Sandbox Series will be devoted to ’Structure-preserving computational modelling for geophysical fluid mechanics’. The tentative program is provided below:
Chairman: Bernard Geurts (UTwente)
12.00-12.10 Talk by Bernard Geurts (UTwente, TU Eindhoven) – Challenges of consistent computational modelling of multiscale dynamics
12.10-12.30 Talk by Erwin Luesink (UTwente, ICL) – Geophysical flow problems – hierarchy of mathematical models
12.30-12.50 Talk by Sagy Ephrati (UTwente) – Extracting and employing dynamic structures for reduced-order modelling
12.50-13.00 Break
13.00-13.30 Talk by Paolo Cifani (UTwente, GSSI) – Geometric integration of the sine-Euler equations
13.30-13.50 Talk by Arnout Franken (UTwente) – Numerical challenges of structure-preserving methods for KdV equations
13:50-14:10 Talk by Erwin Luesink (UTwente, ICL) – Lie-Poisson integrators for stochastic dynamics
14:10-14:30 Open discussion – Connections to STUOD