London-Hypoxia-Networking meeting
Poster discussion with Lite-bites lunch. PhD and Post-doc posters (£50 prizes for best PhD and Post-doc posters)
Clinical Hypoxia (Session Chair. Luke Howard )
Andrew Cowburn (acowburn@ic.ac.uk): HIF2 and PH (Imperial College)
Olena Rudyk (olena.rudyk@kcl.ac.uk) Acute and chronic hypoxia responses PH (Kings College)
Adam Fellows (a.fellows@imperial.ac.uk) Arf-HIF (Imperial College)
Katharine Lodge (k.lodge@imperial.ac.uk) COPD neutrophil function
15:20-15:50 Coffee and Tea break
Sensing and monitoring hypoxia (Session Chair Charis Pericleous)
Matthew Cockman (matthew.cockman@crick.ac.uk) Biochemistry of sensing hypoxia (Francis Crick Institute)
Richard Southworth (Richard.southworth@kcl.ac.uk) and Philip Blower (Philip.blower@kcl.ac.uk). PET/CT monitor of hypoxia (Kings College)
Vascular function and Homeostasis (Session Chair Andrew Cowburn)
Alexander Gourine (a.gourine@ucl.ac.uk): Mechanisms underlying sensitivity of cerebral vasculature to hypoxia (University College)
Régis Joulia (r.joulia@imperial.ac.uk) in vivo hypoxia mouse model to study the lung vasculature (Imperial College)
Gavin Jell (g.jell@ucl.ac.uk): Role of hypoxia and HIF in tissue regeneration (University College)
Concluding comments and feedback