Title: Lefschetz fixed-point theorem
Speaker: Danya Mamaev
Abstract: To any continuous self-map f of a good topological space X there corresponds its Lefschetz number L(f), which is an integer defined in terms of the maps on homology of X induced by f. The Lefschetz fixed-point theorem is a collection of statements relating L(f) with the number of fixed points of f, in the talk we will discuss in some details two of them.
First, if L(f) is non-zero, then f has a fixed point. This is a consequence of the existence of cellular (or simplicial) approximations for maps between good topological spaces.
Secondly, if X is a (compact, orientable) manifold, then L(f) is equal to the (algebraic) number of fixed points of f. As long as one figures the correct definition for the number of fixed points, this is simply a calculation extensively involving Poincaré duality.
After sketching the proofs of the above statements, I will explain one or two applications, depending on the audience’s preferences it will be a way to count either the number of zeroes of a vector field, the number of fixed points of a selp-map of a torus, or the number of points on an elliptic curve over a finite field.
I will try to keep the talk largely self-contained, yet some familiarity with point-set topology and (singular, simplicial, or cellular) homology groups is desirable.
Some snacks will be provided before and after the talk.
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