Join us for the Winter/Spring Series

of the St Mary’s  Infection & Immunity Seminars (hybrid)

Dr Milka Sarris

Image of Dr Milka SarrisBiography

Milka Sarris did her PhD studies with Alex Betz at the LMB, where she studied the formation of immunological synapses between immune cells in mouse models. She was awarded her PhD in 2008 and then joined the group of Philippe Herbomel in Institut Pasteur in Paris for her post-doctoral studies, where started working with zebrafish on the fundamentals of leukocyte movement mechanisms in vivo. In 2014 she was awarded an MRC Career Development award to set up her independent group in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience in Cambridge (PDN). She was then appointed as Assistant Professor in PDN and Fellow in Trinity College in 2016. Her group exploits high-end imaging, genetic and optogenetic manipulations to dissect leukocyte guidance and signalling dynamics in vivo.

Join in person – Cockburn LT, QEQM, St Mary’s Campus and online:

details to follow


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