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The Energy Futures Lab Lecture Series: Professor Sarah Sharples

Low Carbon Cities and Transport

Transport has a key role in reducing carbon in cities. In this presentation, Sarah will consider the wider context of transport decarbonisation, and specifically consider some of the challenges and opportunities presented for transport decarbonisation in cities. Drawing on work which is exploring changes in fuels, changes in travel patterns, and the impact of carbon in infrastructure as well as transport operations, Sarah will highlight the need to take a whole systems and human-centred approach to transport for low carbon cities

This lecture will run from 18:00 – 19:00 with a Q&A session at the end chaired by Dr Aruna Sivakumar, Energy Futures Lab’s Research Theme Lead for Low Carbon Cities and Transport. The lecture will be followed by a networking drinks reception.


Professor Sarah Sharples is Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department for Transport. She is a Professor of Human Factors in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Nottingham and from 2018-2021 was Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and People. She has led research in transport, manufacturing and healthcare, and currently leads the EPSRC (Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council) Connected Everything Network Plus. She founded and co-director of the EPSRC Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training, and has led research programmes examining implementation of new technologies in rail, highways and aviation. She was President of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors from 2015-16


About Energy Futures Lab

Energy Futures Lab is one of seven Global Institutes at Imperial College London. The institute was established to address global energy challenges by identifying and leading new opportunities to serve industry, government and society at large through high quality research, evidence and advocacy for positive change. The institute aims to promote energy innovation and advance systemic solutions for a sustainable energy future by bringing together the science, engineering and policy expertise at Imperial and fostering collaboration with a wide variety of external partners.

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