Queens Tower at South Kensington Campus

About the workshop


The 3rd Imperial Workshop on Intelligent Communications will be held on the 19th and 20th of June 2023 in 407, and 408, EEE building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London. It consists of a half-day keynote session and several half-day poster sessions. Each poster session will have around 25 posters on recent research results in the topics related to intelligent communications, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Machine learning for optimization and compressive sensing
  • Deep learning for signal processing and communications
  • Deep learning-enabled resource allocation and intelligent networking
  • Deep learning enabled security

The workshop is sponsored by IEEE Communications Society and a part of the IEEE ComSoc Excellence Camps Program. It is free to all attendees, but online registration is needed for head count.  Tea, snacks, and lunches will be provided, in addition to a banquet in the evening of 19 June 2023.

If you are interested in presenting a poster at the workshop, please submit it by the end of 7 June 2023. Acceptance decisions will be announced on 12 June 2023. To encourage young scholars (students, post-docs, and lecturers in the position less than 2 years) to attend the workshop, we will provide £50 for transportation for one of the authors of each accepted poster in the London area. If the author is outside London area, we will cover up to £400 for transportation and hotel, which needs an approval in advance.  

If you plan to attend the workshop without presenting a poster, please register (free) before 18 June 2023.

You can click this link to listen to the keynote talks online.

You can download the workshop program from this website.

Keynote talks

The display order is based on the alphabetic order of the speaker’s last name. The keynote talks can be viewed online. The online meeting link will be published here before 19th Jun. 2023.

biingProf. Biing-Hwang Fred Juang

Title: Accretionary Learning with Deep Neural Networks

Abstract and short bio

KinProf. Kin K. Leung

Title: Optimization by Machine Learning for Intelligent Communication Networks

Abstract, short bio, & keynote slides

simonProf. Simon Godsill

Title: Particles, Points and Positions: Recent Advances in Modelling and Processing of Agile Objects

Abstract, short bio, & keynote slides

vincenzoProf. Vincenzo Matta

Title: Social Learning: Belief Formation and Diffusion over Graphs

Abstract, short bio, & keynote slides

fangDr. Yuguang “Michael” Fang

Title: Leverage Vehicles to Build a Multi-dimensional Resource Network for Smart Cities

Abstract, short bio, & keynote slides

zhuDr. Zhu Han

Title: Federated Learning and Analysis with Multi-access Edge Computing

Abstract, short bio, & keynote slides


Workshop Schedule

  • Monday, 19th June 2023
    09:00-10:40,   Three Keynote Talks, room 408
    10:40-11:00,    Coffee Break
    11:00-12:40,    Three Keynote Talks, room 408
    12:40-14:00,    Lunch
    14:00-16:30,    Poster Session I, room 407
    18:00-21:00,    Banquet, 58 PG
  • Tuesday, 20th June 2023
    09:00-9:30,      Snacks and Drinks
    09:30-12:00,    Poster Session II, room 407
    12:00-13:30,     Lunch

Organization committee

General Chairs: Geoffrey Li and Stefan Vlaski, Imperial College London

Technical Program Chairs:
    for Physical Layer Processing,
        Wei Dai, Imperial College London
        Gaojie Chen, University of Surrey
    for Optimization and Networking,
        Huiling Zhu, University of Kent
        Shenglong Zhou, Beijing Jiaotong University
    for Security,
        Liqun Chen, University of Surrey

Finance Chair: Vanessa Rodriguez-Gonzalez

Getting here

Registration is now closed. Add event to calendar
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