Join us for the Summer Series
of the St Mary’s Infection & Immunity Seminars (hybrid)
this seminar is sponsored by Novogene
Biography: Prof Bod Grimbacher
Prof. Bodo Grimbacher is a physician scientist and the Vice-Director of the Institute for Immunodeficiency at the University Hospital Freiburg. Additionally, he is an honorary consultant for the Department of Immunology at the Royal Free Hospital, University College London, where until 2011, when he returned to work in Freiburg, Germany, he was a EU-Marie-Curie team leader. Previously, he was lecturer and senior scientist at the Department of Clinical Immunology, Freiburg, Germany. He completed his postdoc at the NIH, National Human Genome Institute. Amongst his awards and honors, he was granted the Emmy-Noether Fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the Marie-Curie Excellence Grant of the European Commission, the Georges Köhler Award of the German Immunology Society (DGfI), the Richard Farr Memorial Lectureship at AAAAI, the Rudolf-Schoen Prize from the Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, and the Thieme prize from the Leopoldina, the German Research Society.
please join in person:
Roger Bannister LT, 1st Floor, Medical School Building, St Mary’s Campus
and online: Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 356 648 898 343
Passcode: 5YZnK7
This will conclude the current series and will return in the Autumn – thank you for your participation