Cloud Platform Engineering London

Our London meet-up is back at the start of autumn! Join the Cloud Platform Engineering London’s meet-up for all things cloud, infrastructure and Kubernetes.

What can you expect?
Some autumn themed treats! Food. Drinks. K8s. Good Conversation.

Talk 1: I heard you saying that platform engineering is hard – Ivan Pedrazas, Docker

Bio: More Dev than Ops – Kubernetes London Meetup co-organiser. ADHD, community, mentorship and cake (not in that order).

Talk 2: Using Open-Source Software to Secure Cloud-Native Applications – Nell Jerram, Principal Software Engineer Tigera

Cloud-Native microservices applications bring immense advantages for many software application needs, but they also bring their own security challenges. Ephemeral workloads appear and disappear, workload network addressing is transient, and traditional firewalls can’t police the data path effectively.
Open-source tools orchestration tools such as Kubernetes define a NetworkPolicy application-centric construct but they do not implement it; In this session we’ll learn how, with a change of tools and mindset, open-source software can help to implement security for cloud-native applications whilst still allowing the user to benefit from all the advantages.

Security is stored declaratively alongside the application, tested as part of the build pipeline, all with a shift-left paradigm in mind to ensure that everyone development agility is not restricted but mistakes can’t get far.
We’ll put it all together and briefly showcase a zero-trust Kubernetes network environment, too!

Nell’s Bio: Nell Jerram is a Principal Software Engineer with Tigera and was the second engineer ever to work on Calico in 2014. She lives in Cambridge and does a lot of singing with chamber choirs.

Talk 3: Imperial College London – Richard Howells.

Who are these events for?

  • Platform Engineers
  • Cloud Engineers
  • DevOps Engineers
  • DevOps Managers
  • K8s Developers
    … and anyone interested in building, scaling or upgrading their cloud infrastructure

Getting here

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