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Join Imperial’s Communications Division for our Communicating your research event to hear about how we can help you share your research and expertise with the public and other important audiences, and how doing so will help you.

During the event, we will explain how we share new developments in Imperial’s research on social media and with the press. We’ll talk through exciting projects we’ve worked on and give you tips on how to develop your own social media presence and how to work with us and journalists to share your work. You’ll hear from Imperial researchers about what it’s like to work with the media, how communicating their work helped them, and why they recommend sharing your research too.

Lunch will be provided after the talks so you can meet the team, tell us about your research, and discuss how we can help share Imperial’s work with confidence and clarity.

This event is open to Imperial staff and PhD students. Attendance is in-person (City and Guilds LT200, 12.00 – 14.00) and online (12.00 – 13.00). If you can join us in person, there will also be a lunch so you can meet members of the Communications Division and tell us about the exciting projects you have coming up.

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