

The presentation will outline some of the work carried out at the University of Cape Town on symmetry in structural mechanics, and explain how group theory has been applied to simplify computations, study the physical properties of structural systems, and explore new possibilities. These studies have included (i) the static analysis of space frames, (ii) the vibration behaviour of grids, cable nets, plates and shells, (iii) the buckling of space trusses, rigid frames, plates and shells, (iv) the development of group-theoretic numerical formulations, and (v) the innovative use of group theory in creating novel configurations of space structures. After outlining basic concepts of symmetry and group theory, the talk will illustrate the group-theoretic approach by reference to the vibration of a double-layer cable net. Through a numerical example, the talk will highlight the usefulness of group theory in predicting the behaviour of the structure prior to any detailed calculations, and in simplifying the computation of key structural properties.


Prof Alphose Zingoni is Professor of Structural Engineering and Mechanics in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Cape Town. He obtained his PhD from Imperial College London in 1992, and spent a further 2 years there as a Research Fellow of the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, before joining the University of Zimbabwe. After serving a 3-year term there as Dean of Engineering, he moved to the University of Cape Town in 1999, later serving a 5-year term as Head of Department of Civil Engineering. His research has focused on analytical methods for shell structures, innovative use of shells, studies of symmetry in structural mechanics and development of group-theoretic formulations. He is the founder of the SEMC International Conference, held in Cape Town every 3 years since 2001, and currently serves on the editorial boards of four Elsevier journals. He is a Fellow of the UK Institution of Structural Engineers, a Fellow of the South African Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the University of Cape Town.

Open to all. Attendees external to Imperial need to register. 

Time: 12:00 noon

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