IMSE briefing paper launch poster

IMSE invites you to the launch of a new briefing paper “Using microbes to remove microplastics from wastewater and sewage sludge”.

The paper covers how microplastics are formed, and how they end up in the wastewater system, where they are concentrated into sewage sludge. In the UK, treated sewage sludge is spread on agricultural land as a fertilizer and soil conditioner, allowing microplastics to get into the terrestrial environment. Given that there is increasing evidence that microplastics are a threat to human health and the environment, how could this be prevented?

A cross sectoral panel will discuss the feasibility of adding microbes or fungi that break down plastic to existing wastewater treatment plants, to remove microplastics before the sewage is used as fertilizer. Would this be an acceptable solution for UK agriculture, water companies and the public? 

When and Where

Wednesday 7 February 15.00-17.00

G16, Sir Alexander Fleming Building, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus


The event structure is:

  • 15.00 welcome
  • 15.10 presentation of the paper by Dr Jose Jimenez Zarco, Reader in Synthetic Biology, Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London and lead author
  • 15.20 panel discussion start
  • 15.50 audience Q&A
  • 16.20 closing remarks
  • 16.30 networking and drinks reception


  • Professor Mala Rao OBE (Chair), Director of the Ethnicity and Health Unit and Senior Clinical Fellow, Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College London, Chair of WHO South East Asia Region’s Expert Group on the Environmental Determinants of Climate Change and Health and Vice Chair of WaterAid UK
  • Professor Andy Pickford, Professor of Molecular Biophysics, University of Portsmouth
  • Dr Ben Martin, Engineering Process R&D Manager, Thames Water
  • Dr Steve Morris, Floods & Water Directorate, Defra
  • further panellists TBC

The panel will be chaired by Professor Mala Rao OBE, Senior Clinical Fellow, Department of Primary Care and Public Health, Imperial College London; Medical Adviser to NHS England on Workforce Race Equality; and Vice Chair, WaterAid UK.

Joining online

This event will be streamed on the Imperial College YouTube Channel. Link to follow

About the Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering

The Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering (IMSE)is one of Imperial College London’s Global Institutes, drawing on the strength of its four faculties to address some of the grand challenges facing the world today. The Institute’s activities are focused on tackling problems where molecular innovation plays an important role.

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