
This workshop, held during the week of June 17, 2024, will bring together leading research groups in Math Finance from three of the world’s financial centers. The workshop will feature talks by academic researchers from Imperial College London, ETH Zurich, Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.



Johannes Muhle-Karbe, Antoine (Jack) Jacquier, Eyal Neuman, Harry Zheng, Yonatan Shadmi, Pietro Siorpaes, Lukas Gonon, Yufei Zhang, David Itkin, Ofelia Bonesini, Ioannis Gasteratos, Damiano Brigo, Mikko Pakkanen, Philipp Jettkant, Anthony Coache, Nicola Muca Cirone, Konrad Müller, Will Turner, Francesco Piatti, Nikita Zozoulenko, Yun Zhao, Sturmius Tuschmann, Robert Boyce, Guangyi He, Ruben Wiedemann, Joseph Mulligan.

HK PolyU:

Min Dai, Kexin Chen, Zhaoli Jiang, Jiacheng Fan, Shuaijie Qian (HKUST).


Nan Chen, Chen Yang, Xuedong He, Lingfei Li, Yanwei Jia, Dohyun Ahn, Shuoqing Deng (HKUST).


Beatrice Acciaio, Walter Farkas, Dylan Possamaï, Martin Schweizer, Josef Teichmann, Robert Crowell, Jakob Heiss, Songyan Hou, Evgeny Kolosov, Benjamin Kotlov, Florian Krach, Daniel Krsek, Patrick Lucescu, Tengyingzi Ma, Marco Rodrigues, Mateo Rodriguez, Chiara Rossata, Daria Sakhanda, Qinxin Yan.


                                          Monday June 17 Tuesday June 18 Wednesday June 19 Thursday June 20
8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:25 Xuedong He Mikko Pakkanen
9:00-9:10 Opening remarks by Johannes Muhle-Karbe 9:25-9:50 Johannes Muhle-Karbe Jiacheng Fan Lingfei Li
9:10-9:35 Min Dai 9:50-10:10                                       Break
9:35-10:00 Josef Teichmann 10:10-10:35 Eyal Neuman Yonatan Shadmi Shuaijie Qian
10:00-10:25 Nan Chen 10:35-11:00 Yufei Zhang Zhaoli Jiang Pietro Siorpaes
10:25-10:45  Break  11:00-11:10                                       Break
10:45-11:10 Shuoqing Deng 11:10-11:35 Ahn Dohyun Ofelia Bonesini PhD talks Session 5
11:10-11:35 Dylan Possamai 11:35-12:00 Ioannis Gasteratos PhD talks Session 3
11:35-12:00 David Itkin 12:00-12:25
12:00-13:15  Lunch 12:25-13:40                                       Lunch
13:15-13:40 Kexin Chen 13:40-14:05 PhD Talks Session 2 Lukas Gonon
13:40-14:05 Harry Zheng 14:05-14:30 Chen Yang
14:05-14:20 Break 14:30-14:45 Social Program Break
14:20-14:45 Yanwei Jia 14:45-15:25 PhD talks Session 4
15:10-15:25  Break 15:25-15:35
15:25-15:50 Antoine (Jack) Jacquier 15:35-16:15
15:50-16:30 PhD talks Session 1


PhD Talks

First Name Family Name Institute
Songyan Hou Imperial Session 1
Robert Crowell ETH
Guangyi He Imperial
Jakob Heiss ETH
Robert Boyce Imperial Session 2
Sturmius Tuschmann Imperial
Florian Krach ETH
Nikita Zozoulenko Imperial
Patrick Lucescu ETH Session 3
Tengyingzi Ma ETH
Chiara Rossato ETH
Ruben Wiedemann Imperial  
Konrad Müller Imperial Session 4
Francesco Piatti Imperial
Marco Rodrigues ETH
Mateo Rodriguez ETH
Qinxin Yan ETH Session 5
Yun Zhao Imperial
Daniel Krsek ETH
Joseph Mulligan Imperial


Talk Information

Dohyun Ahn

Title: Efficient Simulation of Polyhedral Expectations with Applications to Finance

Abstract: We consider the problem of estimating the expectation over a convex polyhedron specified by a set of linear inequalities. This problem encompasses a multitude of financial applications including systemic risk quantification, exotic option pricing, and portfolio management. We particularly focus on the case where the target event is rare, which corresponds to extreme systemic failures, deep out-of-the-money options, and high target returns in the aforementioned applications, respectively. This rare-event setting renders the naive Monte Carlo method inefficient and requires the use of variance reduction techniques. To address this issue, we develop a novel and strongly efficient method for the computation of the said expectation in a general rare-event setting by exploiting the geometry of the target polyhedron and concentrating the sampling density almost within the polyhedron. The proposed method significantly outperforms the existing approaches in various numerical experiments in terms of accuracy and computational costs.

Robert Boyce

Title: Unwinding Stochastic Order Flow with Partial Information

Abstract: We consider the problem faced by a trader who wishes to unwind a stochastic order flow with uncertainty on the model parameterisation. Specifically, the order flow in this model is a stochastic process and it is influenced by unknown, intraday, low-frequency toxicity which reacts to the trader’s unwind strategy. As a result, the trader’s problem is an optimal liquidation problem, where the amount to liquidate is stochastic and evolves, and the adversarial effect of the order flow toxicity is unknown.

Kexin Chen

Title: Robust Dividend Policy: Equivalence of Epstein-Zin and Maenhout Preferences

Abstract: The classic optimal dividend problem aims to maximize the expected discounted dividend stream over the lifetime of a company. Since dividend payments are irreversible, this problem corresponds to a singular control problem with a risk-neutral utility function applied to the discounted dividend stream. In cases where the company’s surplus process encounters model ambiguity under the Brownian filtration, we explore robust dividend payment strategies in worst-case scenarios. We establish a connection between ambiguity aversion in a robust singular control problem and risk aversion in Epstein-Zin preferences. To do so, we first formulate the dividend problem as a recursive utility function with the EZ aggregator within a singular control framework. We investigate the existence and uniqueness of the EZ dividend problem. By employing Backward Stochastic Differential Equation (BSDE) representations where singular controls are involved in the generators of BSDEs, we demonstrate that the EZ formulation is equivalent to the maximin problem involving risk-neutral utility on the discounted dividend stream, incorporating Meanhout’s regularity that reflects investors’ ambiguity aversion. Considering the equivalent Meanhout’s preferences, we solve the robust dividend problem using a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) approach combined with a variational inequality (VI). Our solution is obtained through a novel shooting method that simultaneously satisfies the VI and boundary conditions. This is a joint work with Kyunghyun Park and Hoi Ying Wong.

Nan Chen

Title: A Two Timescale Evolutionary Game Approach to Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning and its Application in Algorithmic Collusion.

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel two timescale evolutionary game approach for solving general-sum multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) problems. Unlike existing literature that requires solving Nash equilibrium exactly or approximately in each learning episode, our new approach combines three key design components. First, we introduce a simple perturbed best response-based protocol for policy updates, avoiding the computationally expensive task of finding exact equilibria at each state. Second, agents use fictitious play to update their beliefs about other agents’ policies, relaxing the requirement for observable Q-values of all agents as in classical Nash Q-learning. Third, our algorithm updates policies, beliefs, and Q-values at two different time scales to address non-stationarity during learning. Importantly, our approach converges to approximate Nash equilibria for MARL problems without relying on global optimality or saddle point conditions, which are typically restrictive assumptions in the literature.

Additionally, AI-powered algorithms are increasingly used in marketplaces for pricing goods and services. However, regulators and academia express concerns about the potential collusion among these algorithms during strategic interactions. Most researchers rely on Q-learning to model pricing algorithm behavior, but this lacks convergence guarantees. Our approach provides a novel framework for algorithmic collusion studies.

This is a joint work with Ruixun Zhang and Yumin Xu (Peking University) and Mingyue Zhong (Tsinghua University).

Robert Crowell

Title: McKean—Vlaosv SDEs: New results on existence of weak solutions and on propagation of chaos
Abstract: We consider weak solutions of McKean-​Vlasov SDEs with common noise. We discuss the main steps to prove weak existence and identify more nuanced assumptions under which chaos propagates. The results are obtained through a marriage of probabilistic and analytic techniques for general non-​linear but uniformly elliptic coefficients that posses only low spatial regularity.

Shuoqing Deng

Title: Stability of SMOT and the associated monotonicity principle.

Abstract: In this work, we shall study the stability of the supermartingale optimal transport(SMOT) problem. First, we consider the (lifted) canonical SMOT plans, and establish in particular the stability of the supermartingale shadow measures. Then, we shall focus on the more general SMOT problem, and establish the stability of the primal value and the transport plan. As a bi-product, we shall also study a supermartingale version of C-monotonicity principle for the Weak SMOT.

Based on joint works with Erhan Bayraktar(Michigan), Gaoyue Guo(CentraleSupelec) and Dominykas Norgilas(North Carolina State).

Ioannis Gasteratos

Title: Kolmogorov equations for Volterra processes

Abstract: We study a class of Stochastic Volterra Equations (SVEs) with multiplicative noise and convolution-type kernels. Our focus lies on rough volatility models and thus we allow for kernels that are singular at the origin. Working with carefully chosen Hilbert spaces, we rigorously establish a link between the solution of the SVE and the Markovian mild solution of an associated Stochastic Partial Differential Equation (SPDE). Our choice of a Hilbert space solution theory allows access to well-developed tools from stochastic calculus in infinite dimensions. In particular, we obtain an Itˆo formula for functionals of the solution to the SPDE and show that its law and (conditional) expectations solve infinite-dimensional Fokker-Planck and backward Kolmogorov equations respectively. Time permitting, we shall discuss potential applications of our results to optimal control and long-time behaviour of SVEs. This is joint work with Alexandre Pannier (Universit´e Paris Cit´e).

Lukas Gonon

Title: Quantum neural network expressivity

Abstract: Quantum neural networks have recently emerged as novel machine learning tools, suitable for implementations on quantum hardware. In this talk we present results on quantum neural network expressivity. We provide a link between required circuit complexity and desired approximation accuracy for functions with integrable Fourier transform. As an application example we consider option pricing in exponential Lévy models.

The talk is based on joint work with Antoine Jacquier.

Guangyi He

Title: Optimization of Portfolio Strategies Under Nonlinear Price Impact
Abstract: In optimizing portfolio strategies under price impact, if the impact is linear, there exists closed-form linear strategies. However, the problem becomes significantly more complex with nonlinear price impact. This presentation introduces methods to approximate linear strategies through linear approximation and demonstrates the use of neural networks to find optimal strategies.

Xuedong He

Title: Reference-dependent asset pricing with a stochastic consumption-dividend ratio

Abstract: We study a discrete-time consumption-based capital asset pricing model under expectations-based reference-dependent preferences. More precisely, we consider an endowment economy populated by a representative agent who derives utility from current consumption and from gains and losses in consumption with respect to a forward-looking, stochastic reference point. First, we consider a general model in which the agent’s preferences include both contemporaneous gain-loss utility, that is, utility from the difference between current consumption and previously held expectations about current consumption, and prospective gain-loss utility, that is, utility from the difference between intertemporal beliefs about future consumption. A semi-closed form solution for equilibrium asset prices is derived for this case. We then specialize to a model in which the agent derives contemporaneous gain-loss utility only, obtaining equilibrium asset prices in closed from. Extensive numerical experiments show that, with reasonable values of risk aversion and loss aversion, our models can generate equity premia that match empirical estimates. Interestingly, the models turn out to be consistent with some well-known empirical facts, namely procyclical variation in the price-dividend ratio and countercyclical variation in the conditional expected equity premium and in the conditional volatility of the equity premium. Furthermore, we find that prospective gain-loss utility is necessary for the model to predict reasonable values of the price-dividend ratio.

This is a joint work with Luca De Gennaro Aquino, Moris S. Strub, and Yuting Yang

Songyan Hou

Title: Time-Causal Market Generator
Abstract: The generation of synthetic data that mimics real-world observations is important across numerous fields, in particular in finance due to the scarcity of data. While traditional metrics such as Wasserstein distances are prevalentforassessing distribution similarity, financial applications demand stronger metrics like causal or adapted Wasserstein distances, as they provide Lipschitz robustnessforpricing, hedging, and utility maximization problems under model uncertainty. Therefore, the generated paths are wished to be close to the data paths under causal or adapted Wasserstein distance.
We introduce a novel solution: the time-causal variational autoencoder (TC-VAE) designed specificallyforcausal robustness. TC-VAE ensures that the causal Wasserstein distance between the data paths and the generated paths is controlled by our loss objective function. Through extensive experimentation on synthetic and market data, we showcase TC-VAE’s generative prowess and its generation robustness to stochastic optimization challenges. In essence, TC-VAE represents a promising avenueforsynthetic financial data generation with robustness guarantee of stochastic optimization problems.
This is joint work with Beatrice Acciaio and Stephan Eckstein

David Itkin

TitleRank-based volatility stabilized models for equity markets.
Abstract: In the framework of stochastic portfolio theory, we introduce rank volatility stabilized models for large equity markets over long time horizons. These models are rank-based extensions of the volatility stabilized models introduced by Fernholz & Karatzas, which are known to admit relative arbitrage. On the theoretical side we establish global existence of the model and ergodicity of the induced ranked market weights. On the empirical side we calibrate the model to sixteen years of CRSP US equity data matching (i) rank-based volatilities, (ii) stock turnover as measured by market weight collisions, (iii) the average market rate of return and (iv) the capital distribution curve. To the best of our knowledge this is the first model exhibiting relative arbitrage that has statistically been shown to have a good quantitative fit with the empirically estimable features (i)-(iv). We also simulate trajectories of the calibrated model and compare them to historical trajectories, both in and out of sample. This is based on joint work with Martin Larsson.

Antoine (Jack) Jacquier

Title: Wondering about the link between Optimal Transport and Quantum Adiabatic Theorem. Any help appreciated!

Yanwei Jia 

Title: Continuous-time Risk-sensitive Reinforcement Learning via Quadratic Variation Penalty

Abstract: This paper studies continuous-time risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL) under the entropy-regularized, exploratory diffusion process formulation with the exponential form objective. The risk-sensitive objective arises either as the agent’s risk attitude or as a distributionally robust approach against the model uncertainty. Owing to the martingale perspective in Jia and Zhou (2023), the risk-sensitive RL problem is shown to be equivalent to ensuring the martingale property of a process involving both the value function and the q-function, augmented by an additional penalty term: the quadratic variation of the value process, capturing the variability of the value-to-go along the trajectory. This characterization allows for the straightforward adaptation of existing RL algorithms developed for non-risk-sensitive scenarios to incorporate risk sensitivity by adding the realized variance of the value process. Additionally, I highlight that the conventional policy gradient representation is inadequate for risk-sensitive problems due to the nonlinear nature of quadratic variation; however, q-learning offers a solution and extends to infinite horizon settings. Finally, I prove the convergence of the proposed algorithm for Merton’s investment problem and quantify the impact of temperature parameter on the behavior of the learning procedure. I also conduct simulation experiments to demonstrate how risk-sensitive RL improves the finite sample performance in the linear-quadratic control problem.

Zhaoli Jiang

Title: Strategic Investment under Uncertainty with First- and Second-mover Advantages 
Abstract: We analyze firm entry in a duopoly real-option game. The interaction between first- and second-mover advantages gives rise to a unique Markov subgame-perfect symmetric equilibrium, featuring state-contingent pure and mixed strategies in multiple endogenously-determined regions. In addition to the standard option-value-of-waiting region, a second waiting region arises because of the second-mover advantage. For sufficiently high market demand, waiting preserves the second-mover advantage but forgoes profits. Two disconnected mixed-strategy regions where firms enter probabilistically surface. In one such region, Leader earns monopoly rents while Follower optimally waits. Finally, when the first-mover advantage dominates the second-mover advantage, firms enter using pure strategies.

Florian Krach

Title: Path-Dependent Neural Jump ODEs and their forecasting capabilities in LOBs

Abstract: In this talk we study the problem of (online) forecasting general stochastic processes using a path-dependent (PD) extension of the Neural Jump ODE (NJ-ODE) framework. While NJ-ODE was the first framework to establish convergence guarantees for the prediction of irregularly observed time series, these results were limited to data stemming from It\^o-diffusions with complete observations, in particular Markov processes, where all coordinates are observed simultaneously. In this work, we generalise these results to generic, possibly non-Markovian or discontinuous, stochastic processes with incomplete observations, by utilising the reconstruction properties of the signature transform. These theoretical results are supported by empirical studies. Applying the PD-NJ-ODE to the midprice forecasting problem in limit order books, once viewed as a regression and once as a classification problem, leads to state-of-the-art results. This is joint work with Marc Nübel and Josef Teichmann.

Daniel Krsek

Title: Randomisation with moral hazard: a path to existence of optimal contracts

Abstract: We discuss recent advancements in contracting theory. We consider a generic principal-agent problem in continuous time and introduce a framework in which the agent chooses relaxed controls. We characterize the agent’s value process as a solution to a BSDE driven by a martingale measure. This, in turn, allows us to employ compactification techniques and show the existence of optimal contracts, even with very general constraints imposed on the contract. The talk is based on joint work with Dylan Possamaï.

Lingfei Li

Title: Model-based reinforcement learning in diffusion environments

Abstract: We study continuous-time model-based reinforcement learning where the environment is modelled by a stochastic differential equation that defines a diffusion process. Instead of estimating the diffusion model by a statistical method such as maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), we pursue a value-aware approach for model learning that takes the structure of the decision problem into account, which has the potential of finding a better model for policy learning than the classical statistical approach when model misspecification exists. To perform value-aware estimation, we minimize the mismatch between the model-based value function and empirical rewards from the real environment and solve this problem based on numerically solving the value function partial differential equation. We develop a theory of our estimation approach. When the model is correctly specified, we establish convergence and asymptotic properties using the machinery of generalized method of moments. In the general case where model misspecification can exist, we obtain a representation that shows how the value function error is determined by the model error. We consider the problem of mean-variance portfolio selection to evaluate our method and demonstrate its advantages over model learning via MLE and the model-free approach in an empirical study.

Tengyingzi Ma

Title: Reinforcement learning in Microbial risk management
Abstract: By applying concepts from financial mathematics to microbial risk management, we work on sustainable food systems. As the first project, we combine Markov decision processes with observation costs to optimise food production chains.

Johannes Muhle-Karbe

Title: Concave Cross Impact

Abstract: The price impact of large orders is well known to be a concave function of trade size.
We discuss how to extend models consistent with this “square-root law” to multivariate settings with
cross impact, where trading each asset also impacts the prices of the others. In this context, we derive
consistency conditions that rule out price manipulation, discuss how cross impact affects optimal
trading strategies, and illustrate these results using CFM metaorder data.
(Joint work in progress with Natascha Hey and Iacopo Mastromatteo)

Joseph Mulligan

Title: In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Sharpe Ratios for Linear Prediction Models.

Abstract: Before using a quantitative trading strategy, it should first be tested. This process has the potential to be fraught with issues which cause the in-sample performance to be significantly overestimated in relation to the out-of-sample performance of the strategy. We study the potential for overfitting when using a linear predictive model to trade and give analytical expressions for the in-sample and out-of-sample expected return and variance. We also show how these findings relate to the existing literature on estimation errors in portfolio optimisation and multiple testing.

Eyal Neumann

Title: Equilibrium in Functional Stochastic Games with Mean-Field Interaction

Abstract: We model the interaction between a slow institutional investor and a high-frequency trader as a stochastic multiperiod Stackelberg game.

The high-frequency trader exploits price information more frequently and is subject to periodic inventory constraints.  We first derive the optimal strategy of the high-frequency trader given any admissible strategy of the institutional investor. Then, we solve the problem of the institutional investor given the optimal  strategy of the high-frequency trader, in terms of the resolvent of a Fredholm integral equation, thus establishing the unique multi-period Stackelberg equilibrium of the game. Our results provide an explicit solution which shows that the high-frequency trader can adopt either predatory or cooperative strategies in each period, depending on the tradeoff between the order-flow and the trading signal. We also show that the institutional investor’s strategy is more profitable when the order-flow of the high-frequency trader is taken into account.

This is a joint work with Eduardo Abi Jaber and Moritz Voss.

Mikko Pakkanen

Title: A GMM approach to estimate the roughness of stochastic volatility

Abstract: I will present an approach to estimate log normal stochastic volatility models, including rough volatility models, using the generalised method of moments (GMM). In this GMM approach, estimation is done directly using realised measures (realised variance and the like), avoiding the biases that arise from treating the realised measures as proxies of spot volatility. I will also present asymptotic theory for the GMM estimator, permitting statistical inference, and apply the methodology to Oxford-Man Realised volatility data. Joint work with Anine Bolko, Kim Christensen and Bezirgen Veliyev.

Dylan Possamaï

Title: A target approach to Stackelberg games.
Abstract: In this paper, we provide a general approach to reformulating any continuous-time stochastic Stackelberg differential game under closed-loop strategies as a single-level optimisation problem with target constraints. More precisely, we consider a Stackelberg game in which the leader and the follower can both control the drift and the volatility of a stochastic output process, in order to maximise their respective expected utility. The aim is to characterise the Stackelberg equilibrium when the players adopt “closed-loop strategies”, i.e. their decisions are based solely on the historical information of the output process, excluding especially any direct dependence on the underlying driving noise, often unobservable in real-world applications. We first show that, by considering the-second-order-backward stochastic differential equation associated with the continuation utility of the follower as a controlled state variable for the leader, the latter’s unconventional optimisation problem can be reformulated as a more standard stochastic control problem with stochastic target constraints. Thereafter, adapting the methodology developed by Soner and Touzi or Bouchard, Élie, and Imbert, the optimal strategies, as well as the corresponding value of the Stackelberg equilibrium, can be characterised through the solution of a well-specified system of Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equations. For a more comprehensive insight, we illustrate our approach through a simple example, facilitating both theoretical and numerical detailed comparisons with the solutions under different information structures studied in the literature. This is a joint work with Camilo Hernández, Nicolás Hernández Santibáñez, and Emma Hubert.

Marco Rodrigues

Title: Reflections on BSDEs.

Abstract: We consider backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) and reflected BSDEs in a generality that allows for a unified study of certain discrete-time and continuous-time control problems with random time horizons. We provide well-posedness results for BSDEs and reflected BSDEs with optional obstacle processes, given appropriately weighted square-integrable data, and touch upon the corresponding second-order BSDEs. This is based on joint work with Dylan Possamaï.

Yonatan Shadmi

Title: Stability of order Routing Systems in Fragmented Markets.
AbstractWe study an order routing system with multiple limit order book exchanges proposed by Maglaras et al. (2021). In this model traders of different types choose where to place their limit orders according to a trade-off between expected execution time and trading fees, and place their market orders by prioritizing exchanges with more liquidity. We rigorously prove convergence to the fluid limit of this queueing routing system and characterise it as a system of coupled nonlinear ODEs. Then we prove local asymptotic stability, as well as global asymptotic stability for the fluid limit for any number of exchanges N ≥ 2 in the case where they are equality weighted, hence extending the stability results for two exchanges system by Maglaras et al.

Pietro Siorpaes

Title: A computable quantisation of measures which preserves the convex order
Abstract: We consider an optimal transport problem with linear constraints (P). When the marginals are finitely supported, (P) is a linear program, and thus is well understood and can be solved numerically with high efficiency. It is then of interest to approximate the general marginals with some finitely supported ones which satisfy the same linear constraints, are such that the optimal values of the corresponding problem (P) converge. We do this for the martingale transport problem, whose optimal value provides robust upper and lower bounds for derivatives’ prices. In this case, the constraint specifies that the marginals have to be increasing in convex order. Thus, we construct a quantisation method which preserves the convex order (in any dimension), and compare our results with the several methods found in the literature. We show how our method can be applied concretely when the marginals belong to some common families of probabilities (e.g. stable and log-stable laws).
This is joint work with Marco Massa.

Josef Teichmann

Title: Path dependence in Finance and Computer Science

Abstract: We analyze from a mathematical perspective the advantage of modelling dynamic phenomena on given state spaces by path dependent rather than state dependent characteristics. This is suggested by recent modelling successes in Finance or language generation.

Sturmius Tuschmann

Title: Optimal Portfolio Choice with Cross-Impact
Abstract: Cross-impact describes the phenomenon where trades for one asset impact the price of another asset. We study cross-impact from a theoretical perspective, by considering an optimal portfolio choice problem in which the agent seeks to maximise a revenue-risk functional in the presence of linear transient cross-impact driven by a matrix-valued propagator and temporary price impact. We solve the maximisation problem explicitly by reducing it to a coupled system of stochastic Fredholm equations and deriving its solution. We then discuss the influence of cross-impact on the optimal strategies and its interplay with alpha decays.

Chen Yang

Title: Optimal Tax-Timing with Transaction Costs

Abstract: We develop a dynamic portfolio model incorporating capital gains tax (CGT), financial transaction tax, and transaction costs, where the tax amount is calculated at the end of each year. We find that transaction costs affect loss deferrals much more than gain deferrals, and a lower interest rate makes higher-wealth investors realize losses sooner but makes lower-wealth ones realize losses later. Our model can help explain the puzzle that even when investors face equal long-term/short-term CGT rates or almost zero interest rates, they may still defer realizing large capital losses. In addition, it provides several unique, empirically testable predictions and can shed light on recently proposed tax policy changes. This talk is based on a joint work with Min Dai, Yaoting Lei, and Hong Liu.

Yufei Zhang

Title: Alpha potential games: A new paradigm for N-player games

Abstract: Static potential games, pioneered by Monderer and Shapley (1996), are non-cooperative games in which there exists an auxiliary function called static potential function, so that any player’s change in utility function upon unilaterally deviating from her policy can be evaluated through the change in the value of this potential function. The introduction of the potential function is powerful as it simplifies the otherwise challenging task of finding Nash equilibria for non-cooperative games: maximizers of potential functions lead to the game’s Nash equilibria.
In this talk, we propose an analogous and new framework called $\alpha$-potential game for dynamic $N$-player games, with the potential function in the static setting replaced by an $\alpha$-potential function. We present an analytical characterization of $\alpha$-potential functions for any dynamic game. For stochastic differential games in which the state dynamic is a controlled diffusion, $\alpha$ is explicitly identified in terms of the number of players, the choice of admissible strategies, and the intensity of interactions and the level of heterogeneity among players. 

We provide detailed analysis for games with mean-field interactions, distributed games, and crowd aversion games, for which $\alpha$ is shown to decay to zero as the number of players goes to infinity, even with heterogeneity in state dynamics, cost functions, and admissible strategy classes. We also show $\alpha$ is capable of capturing the subtle difference between the open-loop and closed-loop strategies.

The talk is based on joint work with Xin Guo and Xinyu Li: 

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