PFDC logo on colourful dots

The Imperial Leadership Development and Peer Mentoring programme for Fellows and new Lecturers is designed to facilitate valuable connections and provides you with unique opportunities to develop as a leader. 

The six-month programme was conceived by fellows within the Imperial Fellows Leadership Network and designed by an experienced academic leadership coach, Dr Steve Hutchinson.

Key areas: 

1.     Learn the theory and practice of coaching and mentoring.

  • Introduction to coaching and mentoring. 
  • Four online lunchtime workshops focusing on key coaching and mentoring skills. 

2.      Build valuable connections with peers to share ideas, collaborate, and support each other in various aspects of academic life.

  • Four self-organised peer mentoring sessions over 6 months in groups of 3-4 peers to encourage sharing of ideas and foster collaboration, and support each other with more general enabling elements of academic life, such as relationship building, strategic thinking, prioritisation, and workload management and balance.
  • The peer mentoring groups will receive support materials and ongoing mentoring support, ensuring that the groups keep working effectively over time.

3.     Develop capability around the four themes of the “Narrative CV for researchers“.

The peer mentoring groups will be provided with a coaching-style framework to guide conversations around the four elements of academic practice – namely those contained within the ‘Narrative CV for Researchers’ format: 

  • Academic Knowledge Contribution
  • Developing Individuals
  • Citizenship – Building a Better Academic Community
  • Societal Contributions

Building on a pragmatic structure for individual reflection and peer discussion, participants are enabled to create a draft narrative CV that can be used for future fellowship, promotion applications and other academic gateways.

The next cohort will start with a Foundational Workshop on 30 April 2024 from 12.30 (lunch) -16.30pm. Please note: Attendance at the Foundational workshop is mandatory.

The course will run over six months with all dates listed in accordion below.

Key dates and attendance

Foundational workshop: Introduction to coaching and mentoring

Facilitated by Dr Steve Hutchinson and Stefanie Edler-Wollstein, PFDC Consultant and Leadership Coach. Fellows will be placed into peer mentoring groups, introduced to the scheme’s principles and given essential guidance on peer-support and mentorship behaviours.

Date: 30 April 2024, 12.30-16.30 (includes lunch)
Venue: Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus, SALC 1.

Peer mentoring meetings

During the following six months, the peer mentor groups will schedule to meet approximately every six weeks to engage in structured mentoring conversations.


Online lunchtime workshops: Develop your coaching and mentoring skills

Four one-hour lunchtime workshops (12.30-13.30) over four months. 

  • 13 May, 12.30-13.30 (online)
  • 10 June, 12.30-13.30 (online)
  • 8 July, 12.30-13.30 (online)
  • 9 September, 12.30-13.30 (online)

Celebration meeting and lunch

Facilitated by Dr Steve Hutchinson and Stefanie Edler-Wollstein, PFDC Consultant and Leadership Coach. This event will mark the completion of the programme for the first cohort and the launch of the second cohort. Peer mentors will actively participate in the onboarding process for the next mentoring group, sharing their insights and good practice.
Date: 31 October
Venue: TBC, South Kensington Campus

Ongoing mentoring support

Over the six-month duration of the facilitated programme, we will provide the following ongoing support to aid the peer mentoring conversations:

  • Content and Proformas: Timely reminders and proformas with relevant questions and ideas to guide your mentoring conversations effectively.
  • Drop-In Mentoring Surgeries: Access to online drop-in surgeries to address any concerns or queries you may have with your mentoring.

Masterclass: Recharge, Refocus, and Thrive: A Health and Wellbeing Cafe

This interactive Masterclass session is designed specifically for the unique challenges faced by lecturers and research fellows. We will address the unique challenges of your demanding roles and provide practical tools to navigate them effectively. The session will explore practical strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout, all while promoting your overall wellbeing.

In this supportive space, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Reflect on what fuels your energy and motivation within the demanding academic environment.
  • Discover tools and resources specifically tailored to manage the workload of your multifaceted roles.
  • Learn evidence-based techniques to overcome stress and prevent burnout, common challenges in academia.
  • Find out about the support and resources available at Imperial to support your wellbeing.

By prioritizing your wellbeing, you can boost your resilience and creativity, but most importantly, you take active steps to take care of yourself.

The session will be delivered by Dr Andrea-Giraldez-Hayes and Daniela Bultoc who work in People and Organisational Development and lead the staff wellbeing provision at Imperial.

Date: Thursday 20 June 2024, 11:00-12:00

Format: online via Zoom

Masterclass: Funding Strategy: looking backwards and forwards

Prof. Hanyaloglu started her independent research group as a Lecturer at Imperial more than 16 years ago and now leads the MDR Departmental Research Committee. In this short masterclass, she will discuss her experience with funding strategy starting as a new Lecturer to now, from the perspective of a researcher and in her role on the Research Committee, including advice she received that has helped her (whether funding was successful or not), to lessons learned including adapting to a changing funding environment.

This session will also highlight current support available in the College and a group discussion on challenges encountered or current concerns from the attendees.

Date: Thursday 19 September 2024, 12:00-13:00

Format: online via MS Teams

Masterclass: Reflections on resilience: Tools and strategies for failing better

Drawing on 15 years of the academic rollercoaster Prof John Tregoning will discuss approaches to improve resilience to failure in academia and how to apply that to grant (rejections). This masterclass session is aimed at fellowship applicants, fellows and early-stage academics and will comprise a talk, exercises, and a questions and answers section.

Learning objectives:

  • Discover resilience tools that can help with scientific rejection
  • Apply resilience tools to grant applications

Date:  Thursday 17 October 2024, 12:00-13:00.

Format: online via MS Teams