
The 2024 Spring Term Cardiac Function Seminar series talks will be back on Thursday 22nd February 2024. 

We will be welcoming Dr Saravana Ramasamy, Imperial College London 

Talk Title: Sex differences in ageing of blood vessels

Talk Time: 12:30 – 13:30 UK time

Location: Hybrid Meeting (Hybrid – online Via Teams and Meeting room 427/428 4th Floor ICTEM, Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road W12 0NN)

Please note the seminar organizers and the Head of Section would like to request that attendees will in the majority of cases be physically present in the seminar room and a participation via Teams shall be the exception

Short Bio:

Saravana Ramasamy has recently joined NHLI as an Advanced Research Fellow. His research focuses on understanding the ageing process of blood vessels and their functions. Trained as a regenerative biologist during his PhD, Saravana moved to the Max Planck Institute in Germany to study blood vessels in the skeletal system. Subsequently, he secured a prestigious Sir Henry Dale Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society, allowing him to establish his independent research group at Imperial College London. He advanced the understanding of blood vessels in bone, with his lab pioneering work on identifying the proteolytic functions of capillaries and sex differences in the ageing of blood vessels.

Saravana has received numerous accolades for his work, notable ones being the Young Investigator Award from the European Molecular Biology Organisation, the Rising Star Award, and the Harold Frost Young Investigator Award from the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. 

Talk summary:

Blood vessels play a crucial role in physiology by delivering oxygen and nutrients to nearly all tissues in the body. Beyond their function as a nutrient transport network, blood vessels closely interact with surrounding cells, regulating tissue functions and dysfunctions. In this seminar, I will discuss our previous research findings on blood vessels within the skeletal system. Initially, I will describe the organization of blood vessels in the bone, including their subtypes and the aging process. Subsequently, I will delve into our recent work identifying differences in the aging process of blood vessels between males and females. These findings emphasise the importance of studying gender in the context of blood vessel aging to understand the occurrences of age-related cardiovascular diseases.

If you are joining online and you have not yet signed up to join the Cardiac Function Seminar Team group in order to participate in the seminar online please register via the linked tab or here which will provide access to the Team.

Please do this ahead of time of the talk.

The Cardiac Function Seminar Team
(Prof. Thomas Brand, Natasha Richmond)

imperial logophysiological society

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