Stephanie Wray CPS
In this Changing Planet Seminar, Stephanie Wray will describe the global goal of nature positive, how this is developing through international  and national policy, and what it will mean for business and wider society as we collectively broaden our focus from climate change.
She will cover:
  • What we mean by biodiversity and nature, and how all life on earth depends on nature.
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals and how biodiversity underpins delivery of sustainable development.
  • Biodiversity and its interrelationship with climate change and social inequalities.
  • The Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and achieving nature positive.
  • UK Biodiversity Policy including Biodiversity Net Gain.
  • Biodiversity tools, measurements, disclosure and reporting.
  • What’s next? – biodiversity credits and biodiversity finance.
Stephanie Wray represents that small area of intersection of a Venn diagram of ‘People with PhDs in Biodiversity’ and ‘People with MBAs in corporate strategy’. Steph is the Chief Sustainability Officer of the RSK Group and the founder of Nature Positive, an RSK consultancy assessing corporate sustainability risks and dependencies in relation to the natural environment. She has almost 30 years’ experience as an environmental and sustainability consultant in advising projects and businesses on reducing and mitigating their environmental and social impacts in the UK, Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia Pacific.  Steph is a chartered ecologist, chartered environmentalist, Fellow of the Linnean Society, and a Fellow and past President of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).  She was awarded the Mammal Society Medal for her lifetime contribution to research and professional guidance on the impacts of development on protected species. 
This Changing Planet Seminar will take place in person in the Council Room, 170 Queen’s Gate (South Kensington Campus), it will also be screened at Silwood Park, Population Biology Room 2.4 and available via Zoom. 

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