A group of three senior alumni, faces not visible, at an event. One holds up a purple pull-out banner that reads 'We are Imperial alumni.' The photo is cropped so that only their hands and part of their upper halves are visible.

Message from John Downs to Metallurgy and Materials Sciences classes of 1975

Dear fellow graduate,

I hope this missive finds you in good health, and hopefully a little intrigued!

It is perhaps hard to believe, but it has been over 50 years since we first crossed the threshold into the RSM building to absorb the combined wisdoms of Messrs Unvala, Rogers, Rawlings, Humphries and so many others.

Despite the absence of social media and the internet for many of the intervening years, some of our numbers have managed to stay in touch over the past five decades – we’ve even enjoyed each other’s company on occasional get-togethers.

And so it was that we were sitting around a fire in May last year, when we hatched a plan… what if we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our graduation at the alumni dinner in 2025? And ask as many fellow graduates as we can find to come along and join us?

You may shudder at the thought. But if not – it would be great if you could make it. The date and venue are yet to be fixed, and the IC Alumni Engagement team have offered their support.

We don’t usually meet around a campfire, but we always wonder what happened to our absent colleagues… it would be lovely to find out.
If you’d like to find out more (or just let us know what you’re up to) please email me. And if you’ve kept in touch with others, perhaps you could pass this message onto them?

In any event, on behalf of Kevin, Mike, Graham, Phil, Pete, Ned, Steve, I send you our very best wishes.

Yours truly,
John Downs

Next steps

If you would like to attend this reunion, please express your interest (yes/no) directly by email to John Downs at john_downs2000@yahoo.co.uk, including the names of any partners who may be joining you on the day. Kindly advise on any specific dietary restrictions that will need to be taken into consideration.

Don’t forget, if you are celebrating a milestone year, you can request your complimentary milestone pack here. Your milestone pack contains a commemorative pin and souvenir postcards, to be posted to you wherever you are in the world.

Please note: 9 May 2025 is a holding date only and the final date is TBC.