picture of choir singing and candle

Join us to explore how music feeds our souls and our imaginations as we celebrate Cecilia, patron saint of musicians.

This Evensong celebrates St Cecilia, the patron saint of music and musicians.

We are delighted to have music composed by two of our own Imperial students. The Verses and Responses are by Maria Portela, a PhD student in Bioengineering. The music is based on tunes used in Portuguese civic and folk processions. The Psalm chant this week is composed by Owen Brook, a PhD student in Aeronautics.

We also have music by Palestrina, Orlando Gibbons, as well as Benjamin Britten’s ‘Hymn to St Cecilia.’

Evensong is open to all members of the College, the RCA and RCM, alumni, and the public. The service happens every two weeks in term-time.  You can engage with the service in your own way.  We know that people of different faith traditions and world views find Choral Evensong a welcoming meditative time.  

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You can visit our Events pages for details of the next Evensongs services.