Collaborative Workshop

PLEASE NOTE: This event has had a date change from Friday 24th May to Monday 8th July. 

Despite advancements in healthcare, women* and girls continue to face unique health challenges often overlooked by traditional research and design practices. Moreover, it is increasingly recognised that products, technologies and interventions aimed at all genders have primarily been designed for men, with the needs of women and girls inadequately accounted for throughout the design and implementation process. 

This interactive workshop aims to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations between engineers, clinicians, health researchers and other disciplines to develop innovative solutions for a range of health issues affecting women and girls. The workshop is designed to lay the foundations for the development of new Imperial-led proposals for the MRC funding opportunity for early stage development of new healthcare interventions, which can be refined and finalised after the event. However, please note that development and submission of a proposal is not a requirement for participation.

Through interactive activities, talks, small group work and networking, participants will engage in lively discussions, share ideas and expertise, and explore new avenues for collaboration. There will also be representatives from the Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation and Patient Experience Research Centre teams on hand to answer any questions and provide input into project ideas and plans.

This event is for Imperial staff only. We welcome researchers from all career stages, including those who are interested in female-specific health as well as those whose area of work is not specific to women but for which a gender health gap exists. Spaces are limited to 30 people only.

By taking part in this workshop, we expect participants to come with:

  • A collaborative and open mindset.
  • An intention to brainstorm early-stage ideas for the development of healthcare interventions designed for women and girls, or, if not gender-specific, with women and girls in mind
  • For those interested, a commitment to develop a plan for ongoing collaboration and conversation beyond the event.

*In line with Imperial College’s equality, diversity and inclusion policy, and our own values, the Women’s Health Network is committed to creating, maintaining and consistently improving an inclusive environment and opportunities for all. In using the term “women”, we include all women and females, including those whose gender does and does not align with their sex at birth, as well as those who are intersex. The topics raised during this workshop will also be of relevance to transgender men who have retained their reproductive organs, and gender-diverse people.


AGENDA (note: subject to change)

09.30-10.00: Registration

10.00-10.15: Welcome and Introduction (Dr Talya Porat & Dr Celine Mougenot, Dyson School of Design Engineering)

10.15-11.00: Group formation

Interactive World Café activity, facilitated by Dr Mark Bambury, Funding Strategy Manager, Research Office

11.00-11.15: Tea and coffee break

11.15-11.55: Small group work: Session 1

Participants work in small groups to identify a critical women’s health gap that needs addressing & discuss core concept of their project

Report back to whole group

11.55-12.15: Tips for Achieving Funding Success

Talk by Prof Uta Grisenbach, Professor of Molecular Medicine and former member of the MRC Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme funding panel

12.15-12.45: Lunch

12.45-13.30: Small group work: Session 2

Participants work in small groups to further develop core concept and brainstorm project aims and objectives

Report back to whole group

13.30-14.30: Small group work: Session 3

Participants to work in small groups to outline approach, methodology and deliverability of project idea

Report back to whole group

14.30-14.50: Small group work: Session 4

Participants to lay out plans for working together going forward

14.50-15.00: Wrap-up and close

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