Image of speaker, Kate

This Tuesday 4th June at 4 pm (BST) the DataLearning group are hosting Kate Hodesdon ( Senior Machine Learning Engineer at Her talk is titled:”Latent diffusion models and how to accelerate them”

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 About the speaker

Kate Hodesdon is a senior machine learning engineer at Stability AI, where she works on inference. Kate brings to Stability AI her expertise in optimising deep learning performance, acquired over four years working as an ML engineer at an AI chip startup, Graphcore.

Kate studied Mathematics and Philosophy at Oxford, where she became fascinated by the foundations of mathematics. Kate went on to do a PhD in Philosophical Logic, followed by research as a postdoc at the University of Lorraine, France, and as a visiting fellow at Harvard University, before moving into the field of machine learning. Her diverse background gives her a unique perspective on the implications of artificial intelligence, as well as technical expertise in the workings of the underlying models.