The 43rd Public Forum for Engineering Management will focus on “Sustainable Transportation Systems” and will take place on June 14th, 2024, from 8:30-10:00 am (UK time) via Zoom Meeting (ID: 884 6483 5084, Password: 0614).

Conference Time: 08.30-10.00, 14 June (UK time
Zoom ID: 884 6483 5084 (Password: 0614)

Moderator: Dr Wen-Long Shang, Imperial College London


Evidence for and Evidence of Urban Change
Ed Manley, University of Leeds

09.00- 09.30:
Transportation justice: implications for sustainable urban mobility
Tim Schwanen, University of Oxford


Ed Manley, University of Leeds

Ed Manley is Professor of Urban Analytics and Pro Dean for Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Environment at University of Leeds, and Honorary Professor at UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA). He is Co-Director of the ESRC Consumer Data Research Centre, and involved in several interdisciplinary research projects. In 2022, he won the Leverhulme Trust’s Philip Leverhulme Prize for Geography. His research focuses on mobility behaviour in the contexts of health and sustainability, and agent-based simulation.


This talk will explore how the emerging toolbox of urban analytics can be used to support urban development. First, it addresses the production of robust models of cities, that enable production of evidence for creating urban change. It considers how we can understanding and capture the diverse influences on human decision-makers during their daily lives, and how decisions culminate in emergent properties of urban systems. Second, it will consider the potential of new forms of mobility data and machine learning methods, to provide evidence of changes in human behaviour and behaviour change at scale. The talk will explore the significant opportunity for these data to help understand urban systems in ways far beyond their original design or intention, including case studies relating to health and sustainability.

Tim Schwanen, University of Oxford

Tim is Director of the Transport Studies Unit, Professor of Transport Geography in the School of Geography and the Environment, and also a Supernumerary Fellow at St Anne’s College. He obtained his PhD from the Department of Human Geography and Planning of Utrecht University, The Netherlands in 2003 (cum laude), after which he worked as a post-doctoral researcher and Lecturer in Urban Geography at the same university. Tim joined the University of Oxford in March 2009, first as a Research Fellow at the TSU and later as Departmental Lecturer in Transport Studies and Human Geography. He has fulfilled the TSU Director role since September 2015 and was the Fellow in Geography at St Anne’s College in 2015-2021. Tim was a Visiting Professor in Human Geography at the School of Business, Economics and Law of the University of Gothenburg in 2016-2019, and held a Francqui Chair at the Faculty of Sciences in Ghent University in 2022. Since September 2021 he has been a Fellow of the Academy for Social Sciences, the UK’s national academy for academics, learned societies and practitioners in the social sciences.


Questions of equity and justice have become paramount in transportation research and are now one of the most widely examined concerns in the field. Traditionally, the focus has been on equity and the distribution of the costs and benefits of transportation systems and policies. However, more comprehensive understandings of transportation and mobility justice are becoming increasingly influential. This presentation will provide an overview of those understandings, and discuss implications for transport policies and research that seek to accelerate the electrification of vehicle fleets and encourage the uptake of cycling and walking.