Nurse with a tablet with CGI medicine appearing

Join us for a LIVE webinar on Fetal Heart, the third in a series of four FREE educational webinars exploring Fetal Medicine.

During the event, our panel of experts will be exploring cases illustrating where fetal cardiology, fetal medicine, clinical genetics and obstetric management are integrated in one patient pathway.

They will explore the indications for invasive testing including exome and micro-array, optimal imaging, and place of delivery where there are fetal cardiology findings. And the case studies will reflect different approaches to diagnosis and management.

▶️Click here to register for free◀️

Our panel of experts includes:

  • Christoph Lees, Professor of Obstetrics at Imperial College London, and Consultant at Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea Hospital, UK
  • Pieter Steensma, Clinical Strategy Leader Ultrasound Women’s Health EMEA, GE HealthCare, Netherlands
  • Dr Medhat Alberry, Senior Attending Physician, MFM at Sidra Medicine, and Assistant Professor of Obstetrics at Weill Cornell University, Qatar
  • Dr Olivia Barigye, Fetal Maternal Medicine Specialist and Obstetrician Gynaecologist, The Olive Tree Centre for Fetal Care, South Africa

Why Register?

  • Four free webinars, to join LIVE – or watch on demand
  • Watch diagnostic and management case studies relevant the world over, plus live interviews and panel discussions
  • Learn about the latest research, techniques and technology.
  • Discover strategies you can implement in your daily practice to enhance patient care.

This webinar series is designed for sonologists, sonographers, obstetricians, specialists in fetal medicine, radiologists, neonatologists, and midwives like you. It’s delivered by Imperial College London’s Professor Christoph Lees, and supported by GE HealthCare.

More Webinars in the series:

  • 26 September – Fetal Brain

▶️Sign up for the series today ◀️ and watch webinar 1 (Fetal Growth Restriction) and webinar 2 (Congenital Anomalies) on demand!