Connecting Climate Minds

Launch of the Global Research and Action Agenda for climate change and mental health


Join us for the launch of the Connecting Climate Minds Global Research and Action Agenda for climate change and mental health!

Over the last 18 months, 900 people in over 90 countries from research, policy, practice and lived experience came together across 21 dialogues to develop an inclusive vision for the climate and mental health field. 

In this one hour session you will hear from contributors to the Global Agenda representing a range of perspectives and expertise on what the Agenda says, how it was made, and how we envision it guiding the field to understand and respond to lived experiences of mental health challenges in the climate crisis.

The climate and mental health field needs many perspectives from diverse disciplines, sectors and lived experiences. In this interactive session, we want to know how what you have heard about the Agenda can be implemented and connected to your work, so we can join forces to create a world with a safer climate for our minds. Please join us and share widely with your networks!

Date & Time: Tuesday 23rd of July 2024, 12:00-13:00pm BST

Location: Online (Zoom webinar)

Registration:  Sign up at this link

Speakers to be confirmed.


Background on Connecting Climate Minds:

Connecting Climate Minds is a Wellcome-funded initiative that has built Regional Communities of Practice in climate change and mental health in all seven Sustainable Development Goal regions. Through a series of dialogues, each Regional Community of Practice developed a regionally-focussed Research and Action Agenda. Additionally, groups representing Young People, Small Farmers and Fisher Peoples and Indigenous Communities each came together in dialogue to develop their own Research and Action Agendas. All ten Agendas, case studies, lived experience videos and toolkits are available on the Global Online Hub, where you can also sign up to connect with others working or with an interest in this space globally.

Background on the Global Research and Action Agenda:

The Global Agenda is a synthesis of all ten regional and community Agendas, and sets out priority areas for research. These indicate where generation of evidence is needed to document and understand the needs of those living with mental health challenges created or exacerbated by the climate crisis, and to respond with solutions that protect mental health and/or create conditions for thriving through targeted climate action. The Agenda also includes a vision for how inclusive transdisciplinary research in this field should be conducted and how we can connect research to change in policy and practice across both climate change and mental health.

Check out more information here.
