This course is open to female research staff only.
The early career research stage is interesting, intellectually challenging, pushing back frontiers of knowledge, working with talented people from around the world – all fantastic things.
But have you ever …
- Wondered what the next career step is going to be?
- Wondered if you can have a university career?
- Felt surrounded by researchers who are brighter and more together than you?
- Felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of ‘stuff’ you are supposed to do as a researcher?
- Thought of leaving academia but have just spent so long getting to this point?
- Looked at those ‘high ups’ in your institution and wondered where the women are?
So, what if you could …
- Step back to understand your career options in and out of the university sector
- Explore what is important to you so decisions are based on your values
- Get clear no-nonsense advice to help you get that next position
- Learn tools to help you set goals and realise them
- AND … what if you could do this with a bunch of like-minded women?
UNIque provides this opportunity through online materials and weekly webinars!
Watch this promotional video to learn more about what to expect from UNIque!
Please note you must be able to attend all five sessions from 14.00pm-15.00pm on the below dates:
Monday 13 January, Wednesday 15 January, Wednesday 29 January, Wednesday 12 February, Wednesday 26 January and Wednesday 12 March 2025.
This will be a joint cohort with a chance to network with people from other institutions across the UK.
To sign-up to this course please sing in to ICIS and search for ‘UNIque’ in the MyTraining section of ICIS.
Please note: Absences and cancellations with less than 5 working days’ notice will result in a £50 charge.