
The 2024 Autumn Term Cardiac Function Seminar series talks will be back  Thursday 21st November, when we will be welcoming Dr Katharine Dibb, University of Manchester.

Talk Title: Reviving Atrial Function: Enhancing Calcium Dynamics through Atrial T-Tubule Restoration Post Heart Failure

Talk Time: 12:30 – 13:30 UK time

Location: Hybrid Meeting (Hybrid – online Via Teams and Meeting room 427/428 4th Floor ICTEM, Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road W12 0NN

Please note the seminar organizers and the Head of Section would like to request that attendees will in the majority of cases be physically present in the seminar room and a participation via Teams shall be the exception.

If you have not yet signed up to join the Cardiac Function Seminar Team group if you can only participate online please click this link which will provide access to the Team.

Please do this ahead of time of the talk.

You can use your Imperial e-mail address, but you can also be given guest status if you don’t have an Imperial e-mail address.

Please download the desktop version of Microsoft teams.

During the seminar, it will be important to:

1.    Mute your microphone

2.    Turn off the camera

There will be the opportunity for you to ask questions at the end of the presentation as is usual but please do note:

•    To raise your hand if you would like to ask a question

•    To await to be asked to unmute your microphone to be able to ask your question

Best wishes

Cardiac Function Seminar Team

(Thomas Brand, Natasha Richmond)


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