Message from Bruce Walker and Jonathan Gammon to MSc Soil Mechanics class of 1975
Dear classmates,
The MSc Soil Mechanics class of 1974-75 will getting together over Friday 20 June and Saturday 21 June to celebrate 50 years since completion of our course.
The following programme is indicative only, the final programme is to be communicated with registered attendees.
On Friday 20 June:
- In the morning: we will enjoy teas and coffees on campus, before moving to Geotechnics for a tour of the labs and talks with current staff.
- In the afternoon: adjourn to an Imperial cafeteria for lunch. After lunch visit a nearby museum or pub (depending on the preferences of the group), leading on to a restaurant dinner nearby. Attendees would pay for own food/drink.
On Saturday 21 June:
- A second get-together for those who wish, to include partners/friends, as more of a social gathering. Afternoon or evening as preferred by attendees – please get in touch for more details.
It would be great to see you in 2025.
Bruce Walker and Jonathan Gammon
(MSc Soil Mechanics 1975)
Next steps
If you are interested, kindly RSVP directly to Bruce, lead organiser at bfwalks2@tpg.com.au with copy to jonathangammon@hotmail.co.uk.
Don’t forget, if you are celebrating a milestone year, you can request your complimentary milestone pack here. Your milestone pack contains a commemorative pin and souvenir postcards, to be posted to you wherever you are in the world.