New Insights on Wave Scattering by Multiple Open Arcs: Lightning-Fast Methods and Shape Holomorphy

Abstract: In this talk, we will focus on solving time-harmonic, acoustic, elastic and polarized electromagnetic waves scattered by multiple finite-length open arcs in unbounded two-dimensional domain. We will first recast the corresponding boundary value problems with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, as weakly- and hyper-singular boundary integral equations (BIEs), respectively. Then, we will introduce a family of fast spectral Galerkin methods for solving the associated BIEs. Discretization bases of the resulting BIEs employ weighted Chebyshev polynomials that capture the solutions’ edge behavior. We will show that these bases guarantee exponential convergence in the polynomial degree when assuming analyticity of sources and arc geometries. Numerical examples will demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed methods with respect to number of arcs and wavenumber. Moreover, we will show that for general weakly- and hyper-singular boundary integral equations their solutions depend holomorphically upon perturbations of the arcs’ parametrizations. These results are key to prove the shape holomorphy of domain-to-solution maps associated to BIEs appearing in uncertainty quantification, inverse problems and deep learning, to name a few applications. Also, they pose new questions you may have the answer to!

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