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Abstract: Airborne acoustic waves offer an excellent opportunity to map the dynamics of open channel flows non-invasively to determine the mean flow velocity, depth and turbulence scales. This talk will present a history of the related science and technology, its current status and future research challenges. Key underpinning principles and methods of physical acoustics and their applications for the reconstruction of the shape and dynamics of water waves on the surface of turbulent flows and rivers will be explained.

Short Bio: Kirill Horoshenkov is Professor of Acoustics in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sheffield, UK. His research interests are in acoustic sensing, robotics and porous media. He leads the EPSRC UK Acoustics Network Plus (https://acoustics.ac.uk/). He also leads the EPSRC Programme Grant to develop robotic autonomous sensing for buried pipes (https://pipebots.ac.uk/). He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK Institute of Acoustics and Acoustical Society of America. He is the Editor-in-Chief for Nature Portfolio Journal Acoustics. He is a founder of two spin-off companies. He is a chartered engineer.

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