Spatial metamaterials – materials spatially engineered to display specific properties – have changed how we manipulate light and sound, and are becoming ubiquitous in wave technology. The next frontier of fundamental and applied research is time-varying metamaterials, where functionalities emerge from changing the material properties in time.

A key unsolved problem is modelling the natural response of time-varying materials. Although mathematicians and physicists have approached this problem from the ideal and experimental perspectives, a concerted effort to combine these is required.

This workshop brings together experts from Physics and Mathematics from UK and Europe to identify the key challenges and opportunities in the field, and discuss a roadmap for future research.

Organising committee

Prof. Richard Craster (Imperial College London), Dr. Marie Touboul (CNRS), Prof. Riccardo Sapienza (Imperial College London), Dr. T. V. Raziman (Imperial College London)

Keynote speakers

Prof. John Pendry (Imperial College London), Prof. Mathias Fink (Institut Langevin, ESPCI Paris)

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